Dr. Dongye Zhao

Dongye Zhao

Professor and Chair
Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering



Primary Email: dzhao2@sdsu.edu


Primary Phone: 619-594-6378


Engineering - E424C
5500 Campanile Drive
Engineering Building E-424C
San Diego, California 92182
Mail Code: 1324

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Dr. Zhao is currently Professor and Chair of the Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Before this post, Dr. Zhao was the Alumni Endowed Distinguished Professor of Environmental Engineering at Auburn University. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Lehigh University in 1998, and started his tenure at Auburn in 2001. Dr. Zhao is internationally recognized for his pioneering work in developing novel stabilized nanoparticles for in situ degradation of organic pollutants and immobilization of metals, metalloids and radionuclides in soil and water. Zhao’s group is also recognized for their pioneering work in developing adsorptive photocatalysts for destruction of persistent organic pollutants such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in contaminated waters. In addition, the group made significant contributions in the transformation and environmental fate of spilled oil in seawater and coastal sediment and estuaries and in developing cost-effective technologies to control pollution of coastal ecosystems and the nearshore environment.

Dr. Zhao has served as PI or Co-PI for ~50 research projects totaling ~$9 million. He and co-workers have published more than 230 SCI-indexed journal papers, one textbook, 15 book chapters, and 250+ other publications. In addition, he has delivered 135+ invited or keynote presentations/lectures worldwide, and has been granted 7 U.S. patents. His work has been cited ~17,000 times with an h-Index of 66 according to the Google Scholar. He is included in both the Clarivate World’s Top 1% Scientists and the Stanford World’s Top 1% Most Cited Scientists.

He has served on numerous scientific review panels of various major funding agencies in the U.S. (NSF, EPA, SERDP/ESTCP) and worldwide. In addition, he has been serving as Editors for three journals: Water Environment Research, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, and Current Pollution Reports, and he is an editorial board member of three other international journals.

Dr. Zhao and his group have been recognized with numerous awards, including the 2021 Auburn University Creative Research and Scholarship Award, Auburn Engineering Council Endowed Distinguished Professorship, Huff Endowed Professorship, the 2021 Geosyntec Best Paper Award (with student), the ESPR 2019 Best Paper Award, the FESE 2020 Best Editor Award, and the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award (American Chemical Society, 2019), to name a few.


The Connecticut Agricultural and Experiment Station, New Haven, CT, 3/1999-6/2001, Department of Soil and Water (Advisor: Dr. Joseph Pignatello)

Postdoc Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 9/1997-2/1999, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (Advisor: Dr. John Little)

Ph.D. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 1998, Civil and Environmental Engineering (Advisor: Dr. Arup K. SenGupta)

M.S. Taiyuan University of Technology, China, 1987, Environmental Engineering (Advisor:Professor Mingyuan Gao)

B.S. Taiyuan University of Technology, China, 1984, Civil & Environmental Engineering (Rank: No. 1 of 150 students)

Areas of Specialization

  • Developing novel stabilized nanoparticles for in situ degradation of organic pollutants and immobilization of metals, metalloids and radionuclides in soil and water.
  • Developing adsorptive photocatalysts for adsorption and destruction of persistent organic pollutants such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in contaminated waters and soil.
  • Understanding transformation and environmental fate of spilled oil in seawater and coastal sediment and estuaries and developing cost-effective technologies to control pollution of coastal ecosystems and the nearshore environment.

Awards & Honors

  1. Auburn University Creative Research and Scholarship Award, 2021. (The highest honor for researchers at Auburn University – only one award per year)
  2. Stanford University's list of the top 1% scientists in environmental sciences in the world, since 2020.
  3. Clarivate list of top 1% most cited scientists in the world, since 2021.
  4. Outstanding Editor Award, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2020.
  5. Auburn Engineering Council Endowed Professorship, 10/1/2019-present.
  6. Best Paper of the Year, Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology (5, 1814–1835) with Z. Wei and T. Xu.
  7. 30+ Highly Cited Hot Papers.
  8. Outstanding Oral Presentation Award, Division of Environmental Chemistry, the ACS Spring 2019 National Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 31 – April 4, 2019.
  9. RSC Environmental Science Journals Best Paper, Environmental Science: Nano, with Z. Cai et al., 2018.
  10. Most Downloaded Paper in Water Research (Water Research, 100: 245-266), 2016.
  11. Most Downloaded Paper in J. Hazardous Materials (J. Hazardous Materials, 270(15): 102–109), 2016.
  12. Thomson Reuter’s Most Cited Researcher List: Ranked top 5 in Auburn University
  13. Outstanding Alumnus Award of Taiyuan University of Technology, China, 2012
  14. Honorary Guest Professorship, Taiyuan University of Technology, China, 2014.
  15. Honorary Professorship, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, July 2010.
  16. Honorary Guest Professorship, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China, 2010.
  17. Elton Z. and Lois G. Huff Professorship, Department of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, 8/2007-9/2019.
  18. American Chemical Society Service Award, Division of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Feb. 9, 2008.
  19. Engineering Alumni Council Junior Faculty Research Award, Auburn University, 2004.
  20. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award. Center for Indoor Air Research (CIAR), 1998.
  21. ACS Graduate Student Award. American Chemical Society (ACS), 1996.
  22. Student Research Paper Award. Pennsylvania Water Environment Ass. (PWEA), 1996.
  23. Dean’s Graduate Fellowship Award. Lehigh University, 1994.
  24. Study Abroad Scholarship Award. No. 1 in Taiyuan University of Technology, China, 1990.
  25. Research featured in the following news media:

NSF highlights: “NSF invests in engineering research to remove PFAS from the environment” 8/10/2021 https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=303258&org=CBET

BBC News (8 April 2013); AU Speaks: On Water (2013); Decatur daily (2/17/2011); Auburn daily (Aug. 31, 2010); Auburn Plainsman (July 17, 2008); AUDaily (June 27, 2008); College of Engineering Spring Magazine and Cupola Report (2008); AUDaily (May 1, 2008); AU College of Engineering Annual Report (2006); Research picture featured on the AU College of Engineering cover webpage (2006); AU Research News (1/06); Auburn University News (1/27/06); U.S. Water News (3/8/04); Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (2/15/06); Auburn University News (2/13/04); Mobile Register (5//2003); Montgomery Advertiser (6/1/03).

Awards received by/with students/postdocs:

  1. Nelson Leary, American Water Works Association Outstanding Student Scholarship Award, 2022
  2. Yangmo Zhu, The 12th Annual Geosyntec Student Paper Competition Award, 1st Place, 2021.
  3. Yanyan Gong, AU Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, May 2014
  4. Yanyan Gong, Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Jan. 2014
  5. Yanyan Gong, Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference Award, GOMRI, Nov. 2013
  6. Yanyan Gong, American Water Works Association Memorial Scholarship Award, July 2013
  7. Bing Han, Outstanding Poster Award, The 245th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013
  8. Yanyan Gong, Civil Engineering Departmental Best Poster Award, 2012 Poster Competition of the College of Engineering
  9. Man Zhang, Outstanding International Graduate Student, 2012, Auburn University
  10. Man Zhang, 1st Place Award in 2011 Samuel Ginn College of Engineering Poster Competition
  11. Feng He, 2008 C. Ellen Gonter Environmental Chemistry Best Paper Award, American Chemical Society
  12. Sung Hee Joo, 2007 ACS Young Chemist Award, American Chemical Society
  13. Zhong Xiong, 2007 Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society
  14. Feng He, 2007 AWWA AL-MS Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship Award
  15. Feng He, 2006 WEF-AL Branch Best Poster Award, 2nd Place
  16. Lucida Xu, 2006 ACS Outstanding Paper Award of 231st National Meeting, Division of Geochemistry
  17. Lucida Xu, 2006 Auburn University Outstanding International Graduate Student Award
  18. Lucida Xu, 2006 AWEA Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship Award
  19. Lucida Xu, 2006 AWWA AL-MS Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship Award
  20. Thomas R. Steinwinder, 2006 AU Top Ten Outstanding M.S. Students Award, Auburn University
  21. Feng He, 2006 Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society
  22. Zhong Xiong, 2006 Auburn-CH2M Hill Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award
  23. Zhong Xiong, Third Place Poster Presentation Award, Alabama Water Resources Research Conference, Orange Beach, AL, September 2005
  24. Feng He, 2005 Auburn-CH2M Hill Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award
  25. Lucida Xu, 2004 Auburn-CH2M Hill Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award


Initiated and led a New Study Abroad course, ENGR 3970 Special Topics: Global Engineering Perspectives – China (3 Credit hrs), for the College of Engineering, 2011-2019.

  •  Initiated a new class, CIVL7970 Environmental Nanotechnology (3 credit hrs), 2009-present.
  • CIVL5970/6970 Environmental Engineering Principles (3 credit hours)
  • CIVL4220: Environmental Engineering Senior Design (3 credit hours)
  • CIVL3230: Introduction to Environmental Engineering (Undergraduate, 4 credit hours with one lab).
  • CIVL7220/7226: Water & Wastewater I (Reaction Kinetics, Reactor Analysis, Modeling Principles) (Graduate, 3 credit hours).
  • CIVL7220/7226: Water & Wastewater II (Physical chemical processes for water and wastewater treatment) (Graduate, 3 credit hours).
  • CIVL3210: Environmental Engineering I (Water Treatment) (Undergraduate, 3 credit hours).
  • CIVL1110: Introduction to Civil Engineering (Undergraduate, 3 credit hours).
  • CEE5794: Environmental Engineering Principles (Graduate, with Dr. Little), Virginia Tech., Fall 1998.
  • ChEM206, Environmental Organic Chemistry, Teikyo Post University, Waterbury, CT. (Undergraduate, 3 hrs), Fall 2000.
  • Indoor Water Supply and Wastewater Draining Systems, Taiyuan University of Technology, 1989-1990.

Intellectual Contributions

U.S. Patents

[1]. A. K. SenGupta and D. Zhao (2000)Selective Removal of Phosphate and Chromate by Ion ExchangersU.S. Patent 6,136,199

[2]. D. Zhao and F. He (2004) “Preparation and application of a new class of polysaccharide-stabilized bimetallic nanoparticles for dechlorination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in soils and water” U.S. Patent 7,887,880 B2 (approved 2011)

[3]. D. Zhao and B. An (2005) “Selective removal of arsenate using polymeric ligand exchangers” U.S. Provisional Patent 60/687,611

[4]. D. Zhao, Z. Xiong, F. He, M. O. Barnett, and W. Harper (2006) “In situ immobilization of metals in contaminated sites using stabilized iron phosphate and iron sulfide nanoparticles” U.S. Patent 7,581,902

[5]. D. Zhao and Z. Xiong (2006) “Complete destruction of perchlorate and nitrate in water and brine using stabilized iron-based nanoparticles” U.S. Patent 7,635,236

[6]. D. Zhao and Y. Xu (2006) “In situ remediation of inorganic contaminants using stabilized iron nanoparticles” U.S. Patent 7,635,236 B2

[7]. D. Zhao and W. Liu (2017) “Novel high-capacity and photo-regenerable materials for efficient removal of persistent organic pollutants from water” US Patent Number: 62/452,648

Directed Student Research

As Major Advisor Graduated 27 Ph.D. students and 35+ M.S. students; Supervised 12+ Postdocs; Hosted 10+ undergraduate students, 10+ high school students, and 60+ visiting scholars; Cost-shared and co-supervised one lab technician since 2003; Currently advising 3 Ph.D. students and postdoc.


[1]   D. Zhao (PI) and Lee Blaney (UMBC, Co-PI) “A 'trap-and-zap' technology for cost-effective removal and destruction of aqueous-phase per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances at DoD sites” Amount: $750,000 ($550,000 to AU); Source: DoD SERDP; Project period: 2/8/2022-2/7/2026.

[2]   D. Zhao (PI) and Lee Blaney (UMBC, Co-PI) “Collaborative Research: ERASE-PFAS: A ‘concentrate-and-destroy’ technology for treating per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances using a new class of adsorptive photocatalysts” Amount: $500,000 ($350,000 to AU); Source: NSF; Project period: 8/1/2021-7/31/2024.

[3]   D. Zhao (PI) “Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water and landfill leachate in Alabama” Amount: $193,960; Agency: Alabama Department of Economic & Community Affairs; Project Period: 08/01/2020-07/31/2022.

[4]   T. Y. Soong (CTI and Associates, Inc., PI) and D. Zhao (PI) “Pilot-testing a novel ‘Concentrate-&-Destroy’ technology for ‘green’ and cost-effective destruction of PFAS in landfill leachate” Amount: $100,000 (35k to AU); Source: US EPA SBIR; Project period: 3/1/2020- 8/31/2020.

[5]   D. Zhao (PI) “New technologies for removal and degradation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from landfill leachate” Amount: $12,000 (donation); Source: CTI and Associates, Inc.; Project period: unlimited.

[6]   D. Zhao (PI) “A cost-effective technology for destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from DoD subsurface investigation-derived wastes” Amount: $199,994; Source: DoD SERDP; Project period: 5/14/2018-5/13/2020.

[7]   D. Zhao (PI) “A new technology for cost-effective degradation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water using a high-capacity and photo-regenerable composite material” Amount: $40,000; Source: AU IGP; Project period: 5/1/2018- 4/30/2020.

[8]   B. Higgins (PI) and D. Zhao (Co-PI) “Overcoming algal growth inhibition on anaerobic digester effluent through nanomaterial treatment” Amount: $40,000; Source: AU IGP; Project period: 5/1/2017- 4/30/2019.

[9]   Y. Zhang (PI), D. Zhao (PI) and F. Wang (PI) “Aquaculture of coal mining subsidence land: An innovative approach of the food-energy-water nexus” Amount: $10,000; Source: OUC-AU grants program; Period: 1/1/2017-12/31/2017.

[10]   D. Zhao (PI) and Y. Zhang (PI) “A new technology for abating nutrients leaching from poultry litter: Technical viability and economic efficiency” $50,000; USDA-AAES; 10/1/2015-9/30/2017.

[11]    D. Zhao (PI) “Natural and enhanced attenuation of persistent oil components in the Gulf coast   ecosystems” Amount: $78,601; Source: US Department of The Interior; Period: 9/1/2015-8/31/2016.

[12]    D. Zhao (PI) “Oil/Dispersed Oil-Sediment Interactions in Deepwater Environments and Impacts of Dispersants on the Environmental Fate of Persistent Oil Components” Amount: $574,979; Source: US Department of The Interior; Period: 7/19/2012-8/31/2015.

[13]     D. Zhao (PI), H. Zhou (Co-PI) and Y. Feng (Co-PI) “Immobilization of toxic metals in soil and groundwater using iron nanoparticles” $79,656; AU-IGP; 2/1/2012-1/31/2014.

[14]      D. Zhao (PI), K. White (Co-PI) and M.K. Lee (Co-PI) “Effects of BP dispersants on adsorption/desorption and biological fate of persistent oil hydrocarbons” Amount: $45,008; Source: BP-MESC (Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium); Period: 1/1/2011-12/31/2011.

[15]      D. Zhao (PI) “Photochemical degradation and ozonation of persistent BP oil compounds in the spill-affected Alabama coast water and sediment” Amount: $15,000; Source: BP-MESC (Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium) SGER; Period: 1/1/2011-12/31/2011.

[16]      D. Zhao (PI) “A preliminary study of the coagulation process at Decatur Water Utility” Amount: $40,000 ($8,000 to Auburn)); Source: HDR Engineering; Period: 3/1/2011-6/30/2011.

[17]      Y. Feng (PI) and D. Zhao (PI) “Reducing steroid hormones in poultry litter using zero-valent iron nanoparticles” Amount: $50,000; Source: USDA-AAES Hatch Funding Program; Period: 10/1/2010-9/30/2012.

[18]     P. Clement (PI), A. Son (Co-PI), D. Zhao (Co-PI) and C. Lange (Co-PI) “Development of a Pyrolysis GC/MS facility for characterizing oil-contaminated water, sediment and seafood samples” Amount:  $208,873; Source: NSF-MRI (+AU Cost Share: $62,662); Period: 9/1/2010-8/31/2011.

[19]     D. Zhao (PI), Z. Xiong (Co-PI), and D. Kaback (Co-PI) “Development of iron sulfide nanoparticles for degradation of trichloroethylene” Amount: $25,000; Source: AMEC-Geomatrix, Inc., Los Angeles, CA; Period: 6/1/2010-6/30/2011.

[20]    D. Zhao (PI), Z. Xiong (Co-PI) and D. Kaback (Co-PI) “Development of iron sulfide nanoparticles for in situ mercury immobilization” Amount: $35,000; Source: AMEC-Geomatrix Inc., Los Angeles, CA; Period: 06/01/2009-05/31/2010.

[21]    Z. Xiong (PI), D. Zhao (PI) and D. Kaback (Co-PI) “Demonstration of “green” and stabilized nanoparticles for in situ destruction of chlorinated solvents in soil & groundwater” Amount: $349,758; Source: Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment; Period: 10/09/2009-09/15/2011.

[22]    D. Zhao (PI) and Y. Feng (PI) “Reducing the leachability of phosphate and arsenic and ammonia volatilization in poultry litter using a new class of iron oxide and gibbsite nanoparticles” Amount: $239,372; Source: USDA AAES Hatch/Multistate Grant Program; Period: 10/01/08-09/30/10.

[23]    D. Zhao (PI), M. K Lee (Co-PI), and Wes. Zech (Co-PI) “A new technology for rapid and enhanced control of erosion, sediment and metal leaching at quarry sites using nanoparticle- modified polymer emulsions” Amount: $30,000; Source: Vulcan Company; Period: 09/15/09-01/15/10.

[24]    D. Zhao (PI) and C. Roberts (Co-PI) “Synthesis and application of a new class of stabilized nanoscale iron particles for rapid destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater” Amount: $280,215; Source: U.S. EPA; Period: 08/01/2005-07/31/2009.

[25]     D. Kaback (PI, Geomatrix Consultants) and D. Zhao (PI) “In situ immobilization of mercury in soils and sediments using a new class of iron sulfide nanoparticles” Amount: $100,000; Source: DOE SBIR; Period: 9/1/08-8/31/09.

[26]   Y. Feng (PI) and Zhao D. (PI) “Research instrument grant: acquisition of dynamic light scattering and zeta potential analysis of nanoparticles” Amount: $65,000 (AU cost share: $15,000); Source: USDA; Year: 2008.

[27]   D. Zhao (PI) and Y. Feng (Co-PI) “Reducing the leachability of phosphate and arsenic from poultry litter using a new class of iron (hydr)oxide nanoparticles” Amount: $97,865; Source: USDA Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station; Period: 10/01/2007-09/30/2008.

[28]   D. Zhao (PI), Mark Barnett (Co-PI), and Tim Kramer (Texas A&M, Co-PI) “Pilot-testing an innovative ion exchange process for highly selective and regenerative arsenic removal and an engineered approach for stabilizing arsenic-laden process waste residuals” Amount: $266,735; Source: American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF); Period: 05/01/2006-09/30/2008.

[29]    D. Zhao (PI) “A preliminary pilot-test of a new class of dispersible and reactive nanoscale zero-valent iron particles for in-situ destruction of perchloroethylene (PCE) at a California Site” Amount: $50,000; Source: Geomatrix Consultants, Oakland, CA; Period: 02/01/2006-05/31/2006.

[30]    D. Zhao (PI) “Pilot-testing an innovative remediation technology for in-situ destruction of chlorinated organic contaminants in Alabama soil and groundwater using a new class of zero valent iron nanoparticles” Amount: $50,001; Source: USGS-Alabama Water Resources Research Institute; Period: 03/01/2006-02/29/2007.

[31]     D. Zhao (PI), W. Harper (Co-PI), and M. Barnett (Co-PI) “Development and application of an innovative nanotechnology for in-situ remediation of mercury-contaminated Alabama soil and sediment” Amount: $75,103; Source: USGS-Alabama Water Resources Research Institute; Period; March 1 2005-Feb 29, 2006.

[32]     Z. Cheng (PI), T. Huang (Co-PI), and D. Zhao (Co-PI) “Detection of E. coli in source water using a novel biosensor” Amount: $74,984; Source: USGS-Alabama Water Resources Research Institute; Period: March 1 2005-Feb 29, 2006.

[33]     D. Zhao (PI), Mark Barnett (Co-PI), and Tim Kramer (Texas A&M, Co-PI) “Developing a new class of ion exchangers for selective removal of arsenic and exploring an engineered approach for treatment and reuse of spent regenerant” Amount: $148,074; American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF); Period: June 15, 2004-June 14, 2005.

[34]    D. Zhao (PI), A. McClain (Co-PI), and W. Harper (Co-PI) “Development and characterization of a new class of high-capacity ion exchangers and an environmentally benign process for removal and destruction of perchlorate in water” Amount: $50,029; Source: USGS-Alabama Water Resources Research Institute; Period; March 1 2004-Feb 29, 2005.

[35]     D. Zhao (PI) and M. Barnett (Co-PI) “A novel ion exchange process for selective removal of As(V) and for enhanced stability of process residuals” Amount: $99,452; Source: NSF/EPA Joint Program for the Environment: New Technology for the Environment (NTE); Period: Nov. 1, 2003-Oct. 31, 2005.

[36]     D. Zhao (PI), C. Lange (Co-PI), and M. Barnett (Co-PI) “In-situ destruction of PCBs, PCE and TCE in Alabama soils and groundwater using a new nanoscale adsorptive catalyst” Amount: $49,902; Source: USGS-Alabama Water Resources Research Institute; Period: March 1 2003-Feb 29, 2004.

[37]     M. Barnett (PI) and D. Zhao (Co-PI) “Decreasing toxic metal bioavailability with novel soil amendment strategies” Amount: $376,745; Source: DoD SERDP via Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Period: Mar. 2003-Feb. 2006.

[38]     D. Zhao (PI), Claude Boyd (Co-PI), and Mark Barnett (Co-PI) “Retention of copper in sediment of aquaculture ponds treated with copper sulfate” Amount: $80,000; Source: Auburn University Environmental Institute; Period: April 2002-March 2004.

[39]     D. Zhao (PI) “Evaluation of the best management practices for mitigating impacts of transportation projects on Stream and wildlife ecology” Amount: $53,800; Source: Alabama DOT via Highway Research Center, Auburn University; Period: May 2002-April 2004.

[40]     D. Zhao (PI) “Evaluation of best management practices for controlling runoff and erosions at transportation construction sites” Amount: $28,699; Source: Alabama DOT via Highway Research Center, Auburn University; Period: Jan 2003-Dec 2003.

[41]      D. Zhao (PI) “Selective removal of odorants and pesticides from wastewater through polymeric ligand exchange” Amount: $4000; Source: AU Faculty Mentoring Program; Period; Feb, 2002-Jan. 2003.

[42]     D. Zhao (PI) “In-situ immobilization of toxic metals in soils using functional nanoparticles” Amount: $10,000; Source: AU Competitive Research Grants; Period: May 2002 – April 2003.

[43]     D. Zhao (PI) and Cliff Lange (Co-PI) “Application of novel nanoparticles for remediation of soils and groundwater contaminated with toxic metals” Amount: $20,000; Source: College of Engineering Competitive GRA Program; Period: Oct. 2002 – Sept. 2004.


[1] D. Zhao (2022) “Development of innovative adsorptive photocatalysts for degradation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water” Invited Webinar, Guangdong Ocean University, Overseas Elite Scholars Seminar Series, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, 12/08, 2022.

[2] D. Zhao (2022) “Preparation of adsorptive photocatalysts for enhanced adsorption and degradation of persistent organic pollutants in water” International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application 2022 - Metal-based New Materials and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Subforum (ICIERA–2022), Invited Webinar, December 16-17, 2022. Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China.

[3] D. Zhao (2022) “A ‘concentrate-&-destroy’ strategy for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of GenX in water using a new adsorptive photocatalyst” Invited Webinar, The 5th International Congress of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas – ESPE, Sangolquí, Ecuador, Nov. 14, 2022.

[4] D. Zhao (2022) “An overview of US higher education and various modes of academic collaborations between Auburn/SDSU and BUCEA” Invited Webinar, October 16, 2022, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China.

[5] D. Zhao (2022) “Development and applications of surface-modified nanomaterials for in situ immobilization of metals/metalloids in soil and groundwater: From bench to field” Invited Webinar, July 26, 2022. Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China.

[6] D. Zhao (22022) “A novel "Concentrate-and-Destroy" technology for efficient adsorption and destruction of PFAS in contaminated water” Invited Webinar, June 24, 2022. Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China.

[7] D. Zhao (2022) “Development and applications of stabilized or surface-modified nanoparticles for in situ immobilization of metals/metalloids in soil and groundwater: From bench to field” Invited Webinar, May 22, 2022. Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan Shanxi, China.

[8] D. Zhao (2022) “Development and applications of stabilized or surface-modified nanoparticles for in situ immobilization of metals/metalloids in soil and groundwater: From bench to field” Invited Webinar, Seminar Series of International Masters, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, May 27, 2022.

[9] D. Zhao and S. Tian (2022) “Removal and recovery of high-concentration of PFBA by ion exchange: A comparative study” Invited oral presentation, The ACS Spring 2022 National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 20-24, 2022.

[10] D. Zhao (2021) “A ‘Concentrate-&-Destroy’ technology for cost-effective removal and degradation of per- and polyfluorinated substances from water and landfill leachate” Invited keynote presentation, Symposium: Nanotechnology and its applications, October 12-13, 2021, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Centro de Nanocienciay Nanotecnología (CENCINAT) Sangolquí, Ecuador.

[11] D. Zhao (2021) “Development and applications of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ immobilization of metals/metalloids in soil and groundwater: From bench to field” Invited seminar, Seminar Series of International Masters, Peking University, Beijing, China, September 27, 2021.

[12] D. Zhao (2021) “A trap-&-zap technology for cost-effective removal and destruction of PFAS from groundwater and landfill leachate using a new class of adsorptive and photo-regenerable photocatalysts” Invited keynote webinar and panelist, Symposium on remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater using nanomaterials, the Air & Waste Management Association, September 27, 2021.

[13] D. Zhao (2021) “A novel ‘Concentrate-and-Destroy’ technology for efficient adsorption and destruction of PFAS from contaminated water” Invited webinar, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China, May 19, 2021.

[14] D. Zhao (2020), Invited panelist, PFAS Scientific Roundtable, University of Maryland, October 5, 2020, The State of Maryland.

[15] D. Zhao (2020) “A new trap-&-zap technology for cost-effective removal and destruction of PFAS from landfill leachate” Invited Webinar, CTI and Associates, Inc. Novi, MI, March 16, 2020.

[16] F. Li and D. Zhao (2019) “A new adsorptive photocatalyst for highly efficient adsorption and degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)” Invited presentation, The ACS Spring 2019 National Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 31 – April 4, 2019. This presentation received the Best Oral Presentation Award.

[17] D. Zhao et al. (2019) “Development and Applications of Stabilized Nanoparticles for in situ Immobilization of Metals/Metalloids in Soil and Groundwater: From bench to field” Invited keynote presentation, 11th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Beijing, China, August 7-10, 2019.

[18] D. Zhao et al. (2019) “Concentrate-&-Destroy: a new strategy for enhanced adsorption and destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using photo-catalytically modified activated carbon (Me/TNTs@AC)” Invited seminar, Center of Environmental Toxicology and Biotechnology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, July 11, 2019.

[19] D. Zhao et al. (2019) “Concentrate-&-Destroy: a new strategy for enhanced adsorption and destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using photo-catalytically modified activated carbon (Me/TNTs@AC)” Invited seminar, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, July 8, 2019.

[20] D. Zhao et al. (2019) “Concentrate-&-Destroy: a new strategy for enhanced adsorption and destruction of PFOA and PFOS using photo-catalytically modified activated carbon (Me/TNTs@AC)” Invited seminar, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China, July 4, 2019.

[21] D. Zhao (2019) “A novel concentrate-&-destroy process for efficient removal and degradation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water and soil using an innovative photocatalyst” Invited seminar, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, May 30, 2019.

[22] D. Zhao (2019) “Writing High-Quality Scientific Papers – A General Guide” Invited seminar, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, January 2, 2019.

[23] D. Zhao (2018) “In situ immobilization of heavy metals and radionuclides in soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Seminar Series of International Masters, Peking University, Beijing, June 1, 2018.

[24] D. Zhao (2018) “In situ remediation of radionuclides contaminated soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Beijing Printing Institute, June 6, 2018.

[25] D. Zhao (2018) “In situ immobilization of metals and radionuclides in contaminated soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Beijing, June 8, 2018.

[26] D. Zhao (2018) “In situ immobilization of heavy metals and radionuclides in soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, June 12, 2018.

[27] D. Zhao (2018) “Writing High-Quality Scientific Papers – A General Guide” Invited seminar, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, June 12, 2018.

[28] D. Zhao (2018) “Enhanced adsorption and photodegradation of organic pollutants using a new type of activated charcoal supported titanate nanotubes (TNTs@AC)” Invited seminar, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, June 13, 2018.

[29] D. Zhao (2018) “Writing High-Quality Scientific Papers – A General Guide” Invited seminar, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, June 13, 2018.

[30] D. Zhao (2018) “In situ immobilization of U(VI) using a new class of FeS-modified zero-valent iron nanoparticles, and photocatalytic degradation of persistent organic pollutants using a new type of AC-support titanate nanotubes” Invited seminar, Chongqing University, Chongqing, June 15, 2018.

[31] D. Zhao (2018) “In situ immobilization of metals and radionuclides in contaminated soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, June 20, 2018.

[32] D. Zhao (2018) “In situ remediation of heavy metals contaminated soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, June 20, 2018.

[33] D. Zhao (2018) “Novel nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for in situ immobilization of metals in contaminated soil and groundwater and for enhanced degradation of persistent organic pollutants” Invited seminar, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, June 21, 2018.

[34] D. Zhao (2018) “Writing High-Quality Scientific Papers – A General Guide” Invited seminar, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, December 20, 2018.

[35] D. Zhao (2018) “Field demonstration of an innovative remediation technology for immobilization of complex metals in shallow soil” Invited panel talk, Workshop of Site Remediation, Guangdong Province Soil Remediation Association, Taishan, Guangdong, China, December 25, 2018.

[36] D. Zhao (2017) “Filed demonstration of an innovative technology for immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soil using stabilized nanoparticles” Inaugural Workshop for the Guangdong Provincial Center for Environmental Nanotechnology, Zhang Lin (Chair), invited presentation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China.

[37] D. Zhao (2017) “A high-capacity and photoregenerable composite material for removal of persistent organic pollutants from water” Invited keynote speech, the Third International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Quito, Ecuador, August 31 -September 1, 2017.

[38] D. Zhao (2017) “Development and applications of novel nanomaterials for remediation of contaminated soil and abandoned sites” Invited seminar, Guangxi Environmental Moitoring Station, Guangxi Boshike Environmental Company, and Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, China, June 6, 2017.

[39] D. Zhao (2017) “Development and applications of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ immobilization of heavy metals soil and groundwater” Invited seminar, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, China, June 10, 2017.

[40] D. Zhao, W. Liu and H. Ji (2017) “Enhanced adsorption and photodegradation of emerging microorganic pollutants using a new type of activated charcoal supported titanate nanotubes” Invited seminar, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, June 11, 2017.

[41] D. Zhao, W. Xie and F. Li (2017) “New technologies for mitigating nutrients loss from animal manures using novel nanoparticles and recycled water treatment sludge” Invited seminar, Zhongkai University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, June 13, 2017.

[42] D. Zhao, W. Liu and H. Ji (2017) “Enhanced adsorption and photodegradation of organic pollutants using a new type of activated charcoal supported titanate nanotubes (TNTs@AC)” Invited seminar, Shenzhen Water Service Agency, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, June 15, 2017.

[43] D. Zhao (2017) “Novel stabilized nanoparticles for in situ immobilization of metals/metalloids in soil and groundwater” Invited seminar, Datong University, Datong, Shanxi, China, June 20, 2017.

[44] D. Zhao (2017) “Studying at Auburn University and an overview of U.S. education systems” Invited seminar, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China, June 28, 2017.

[45] D. Zhao (2017) “An overview of Auburn University and graduate education in the U.S.” Invited seminar, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, May 18, 2017.

[46] D. Zhao, Y. Zhang and F. Wang (2017) “New technologies for mitigating nutrients loss from animal manures and a novel approach for restoration of coal mining subsidence land for aquaculture” Invited presentation, Auburn University and OUC Joint Workshop, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong, China, May 24, 2017.

[47] D. Zhao (2016) “Development and applications of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater” Invited presentation, South China University of Technology, Nov. 30, 2016.

[48] W. Liu and D. Zhao (2016) “A novel high-capacity and photo-regenerable adsorbent for efficient removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” Invited oral presentation, 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, August 21-25, 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

[49] D. Zhao (2016) “Novel nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for environmental remediation” Invited seminar, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China, September 8, 2016.

[50] D. Zhao (2016) “Novel nanomaterials for industrial wastewater treatment, sludge stabilization and soil remediation” Invited keynote speaker and panelist for the Session “Industrial Wastewater ZLD & Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Sludge”, the 15th New Material Technology Forum, Zibo Industrial Wastewater and Sludge Treatment Alliance, Zibo, Shandong, China, September 10th to 13th, 2016.

[51] D. Zhao (2016) “Nanotechnologies for remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater”, Invited international expert seminar, Department of Environmental Engineering, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning (CAEP), Beijing, China, Sept. 6, 2016.

[52] D. Zhao (2016) “Enhanced adsorption and photodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons using a new type of activated charcoal supported titanate nanotubes (TNTs@AC)” Invited presentation, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, May 13, 2016.

[53] D. Zhao (2016) “Nanotechnologies for in situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater” Invited presentation, International Symposium on Environmental Education and Sustainability Sciences, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China, May 30 - June 1, 2016.

[54] D. Zhao (2016) “Development of innovative nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for in situ remediation of contaminated soil and for enhanced destruction of persistent organic pollutants in water” Invited presentation, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, June 3, 2016.

[55] D. Zhao (2016) “A workshop on environmental applications of zero-valent nanoparticles: merits, constraints and future perspectives” chaired by Professor Xiaohong Guan, Invited panelist, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, June 3, 2016.

[56] D. Zhao (2016) “An overview on water pollution standing in China and nanotechnologies for water pollution control” Invited presentation, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, May 18, 2016.

[57] D. Zhao (2016) “Development and applications of nanomaterials for cleanup of contaminated soil and water and an overview of engineering education in the U.S.” Invited presentation, Zhongbei University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, June 6, 2016.

[58] B. Han, W. Liu and D. Zhao (2015) “In situ oxidative degradation of estrogen hormones in soil and groundwater using a new class of stabilized MnO2 nanoparticles” Invited presentation, The 12th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, UC Riverside, CA, 16-20, November, 2015.

[59] D. Zhao (2015) “Development and applications of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ immobilization of metals in soil and groundwater” Invited keynote speech, The 4th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Nov. 1-3, 2015, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

[60] D. Zhao (2015) “A high-capacity adsorptive photocatalyst for highly efficient removal of trace organic contaminants in water” Invited seminar, Nov. 2, 2015, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China.

[61] D. Zhao (2015) “Development and applications of innovative nanomaterials for in situ immobilization of heave metals and degradation of oil hydrocarbons” Invited keynote speech, The Second International Congress of Nanoscience, November 19-20, 2015, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Sangolqui, Ecuador.

[62] D. Zhao (2015) “Development and applications of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater” Invited presentation, May 28, 2015, Peking University, Beijing, China.

[63] D. Zhao (2015) “Development and applications of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater” Invited presentation, May 31, 2015, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.

[64] D. Zhao (2015) “Fundamentals and applications of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ immobilization of metals/metalloids in soil and groundwater” Invited presentation, June 2, 2015, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China.

[65] D. Zhao (2015) “Immobilization of arsenate in soil and groundwater using starch-stabilized magnetite nanoparticles” Invited Presentation. Session: Iron Oxides: Formation, Structure, Reactivity and Applications. Division of Geochemistry, the 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, Colorado, March 22-26, 2015.

[66] D. Zhao (2015) “Effects of oil and dispersants on marine snow formation and transport of oil components” Invited keynote presentation, 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, February 16-19, 2015, Houston, TX, USA.

[67] D. Zhao (2015) “In situ immobilization of heavy metals and radionuclides in soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX, February 20, 2015.

[68] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” International Forum on Climate Change and Environmental technologies, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China, Nov. 25, 2014.

[69] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ immobilization of toxic metals in soil and groundwater using a new class of stabilized nanoparticles” Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 3, 2014.

[70] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ immobilization of mercury in soil and sediment using a new class of stabilized FeS nanoparticles” Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 5, 2014.

[71] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ immobilization of mercury and uranium in soil and sediment using a new class of stabilized FeS and ZVI nanoparticles” Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 9, 2014.

[72] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ reductive immobilization of radionuclides in soil and groundwater using stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles” Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 10, 2014.

[73] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Guangdong Provincial Invited Seminar Series of Eminent Scholars, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 10, 2014.

[74] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ immobilization of arsenic in soil and groundwater using stabilized Fe-Mn binary oxides nanoparticles” Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, Nov. 21, 2014.

[75] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ immobilization of heavy metals and in situ degradation persistent organic pollutants in soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, May 23, 2014.

[76] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ immobilization of heavy metals in soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, May 26, 2014.

[77] D. Zhao (2014) “In situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater using a new class of stabilized nanoparticles” Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, Liaoning, China, May 29 2014.

[78] D. Zhao (2014) “Oxidative remediation of metals and pharmaceuticals in soils and groundwater using stabilized MnO2 and manganese-bearing nanoparticles” Invited keynote presentation, the 247th ACS National Meeting in Dallas, Texas, March 16-20, 2014.

[79] D. Zhao (2013) “In situ immobilization of chromate in soil and groundwater using stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Hebei Yuhuan Environmental Protection Technology Inc., Shijiazhuang, China, July 18, 2013.

[80] D. Zhao (2013) “In situ immobilization of heavy metals in soil and water using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited Seminar, Beijing Faculty Training Center for Higher Education, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, July 17, 2013.

[81] D. Zhao (2013) “Application of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater” Invited seminar, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, March 1, 2013.

[82] D. Zhao (2013) “Application of Stabilized Nanoparticles for In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater” Invited keynote speech, Application of Nanotechnology for Safe and Sustainable Remediation: Nano-4-Rem Answer Inaugural Workshop, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA, June 5-6th, 2013.

[83] Y. Gong, J. Fu, X. Zhao, Z. Cai and D. Zhao (2013) “Effects of Oil Dispersants and Dispersed Oil on Formation of Marine Snow, Sediment Transport, Sediment Sorption/Desorption, and Photodegradation of PAHs” Invited presentation, Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation & Flocculent Accumulation) Working Group Meeting, October 22-23, 2013, Tallahassee, Florida.

[84] D. Zhao (2012) “Environmental applications of stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China, December 20, 2012.

[85] Y. Gong, X. Zhao and D. Zhao (2012) “Effects of Oil Dispersants on Sorption and Desorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Gulf Coast Marine Sediments” Invited presentation, The 9th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, Miami, FL, USA, October 23-27, 2012.

[86] Y. Gong, Y. Liu, Z. Xiong, D. Kaback, D. Zhao (2011) “In situ immobilization of mercury in soil using stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles” Invited oral presentation and abstract published in ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Volume: 242, ACS National Meeting and Exposition, August 28 - September 1, 2011, Denver, CO.

[87] D. Zhao (2011) “In situ immobilization of toxic metals in soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China, August 28, 2011.

[88] B. An, Q. Liang, D. Zhao (2011) “Removal of Arsenic from Water and Brine Using Polysaccharide-Coated Magnetite and Fe-Mn Nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing , China, May 2011.

[89] D. Zhao (2010) “In situ degradation of chlorinated solvents and immobilization of toxic metals in soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, Oct. 27, 2010.

[90] D. Zhao (2010) “International Workshop on Nanomaterials for Water Treatment: Opportunities and Barrier” Invited keynote speaker, LABEIN-Tecnalia (Derio, Spain) October 4–6, 2010.

[91] D. Zhao (2010) “Expert panel discussion: The pros and cons of zero-valent iron nanoparticles for soil and groundwater remediation” Invited panelist, LABEIN-Tecnalia (Derio, Spain) October 6, 2010.

[92] D. Zhao, Q. Liang, B. An, and Y. Feng (2010) “Enhanced removal and immobilization of arsenate and arsenite in soil and groundwater by polysaccharide-stabilized magnetite and Fe-Mn nanoparticles” Invited speaker, the 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 22-26, 2010, Boston, MA.

[93] D. Zhao (2010) “Nanotechnology and the Environment: An Overview of the Opportunities and Challenges” Invited seminar and workshop speaker, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China, July 2010.

[94] D. Zhao and L. Benefield (2010) “An overview of U.S. wastewater treatment technologies and research activities for enhanced nutrients removal” Invited speech at a special workshop for wastewater treatment administrators, plant operators and engineers of Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, China, May 2010.

[95] D. Zhao (2009) “In situ reductive dechlorination and metal immobilization in soil and groundwater using stabilized nanoparticles” Invited keynote speaker at the Special Meeting on Nanotechnology for Environmental Cleanup and Pollution Control, Nov. 3, 2009, Burlingame, CA, Groundwater Resources Association of California.

[96] Bennett P., F. He and D. Zhao (2009) “Field assessment of carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized nanoscale zero valent iron” Invited keynote speaker at the Special Meeting on Nanotechnology for Environmental Cleanup and Pollution Control, Nov. 3, 2009, Burlingame, CA, Groundwater Resources Association of California.

[97] Z. Xiong, D. Zhao and D. Kaback (2009) “In situ immobilization of mercury in soil and groundwater using stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles” Invited presentation, Mercury Summit, Department of Energy, Nashville, TN, Oct. 22-23.

[98] Zhao D. (2009) “Development and application of polysaccharide-stabilized nanoparticles for in situ remediation of soils and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents and heavy metals” Invited presentation, Zhejiang University, China, June 9, 2009.

[99] Zhao D. (2009) “In situ remediation of soils and groundwater contaminated with nutrients and heavy metals using nanoparticles” Invited presentation, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China, May 29, 2009.

[100] Zhao D. (2009) “Nanotechnologies for marine pollution control: Challenges and Opportunities” Invited seminar, Liaoning Ocean Science Research Institute, China, June 17 2009.

[101] Zhao D. (2009) “Nanotechnologies for pollution control: Challenges and Opportunities” Invited seminar, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, China, May 17, 2009.

[102] D. Zhao, F. He, Y. Xu, and CB Roberts (2008) “In-situ reductive transformation of chlorinated solvents and immobilization of chromium in soils using polysaccharide-stabilized iron nanoparticles” Invited Presentation and abstract published, 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting and Centennial celebration, Philadelphia, PA, November 16-21, 2008.

[103] F. He, J. Liu, C. Roberts, and D. Zhao (2008) “Synthesis and application of a new class of carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized Pd nanoparticles for catalytic hydrodechlorination of trichloroethylene” Invited presentation for the best graduate student paper to Feng He, the 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 19, 2008.

[104] Luo, C., J. Zhuang, D. Zhao and M. O. Barnett (2008) “Pilot-scale Demonstration of a Selective Ion Exchange Process for the Removal of Arsenic from Groundwater” Invited presentation at the Alabama-Mississippi Section, American Water Works Association, 61st Annual Conference, October 5-7, Montgomery, AL.

[105] Barnett, M. O., K. Hartzog, D. Kilgour, C. Luo, R. Moseley, T. Radu, J. L. Subacz, J. K. Yang and D. Zhao (2008) “Arsenic Research at Auburn University” Invited presentation at the Electric Power Research Institute Arsenic Workshop, July 22, Pensacola, FL.

[106] Zhao D., Xu, Y., Liu R., Xiong Z. and He F. (2008) “In situ immobilization of toxic metals in soils and solid wastes using stabilized mineral nanoparticles” Invited keynote speeches and abstract published (delivered three keynote lectures on the subject) at the Third International Congress on Environmental Technologies, Polytechnic University of Army, Quito, Ecuador, June 4-6, 2008.

[107] Zhao D. and He F. (2008) “In situ destruction of chlorinated solvents in soils and groundwater using a new class of cellulose-stabilized iron nanoparticles” Invited keynote speeches and abstract published (delivered two keynote lectures on the subject) at the Third International Congress on Environmental Technologies, Polytechnic University of Army, Quito, Ecuador, June 4-6, 2008.

[108] Zhao D. and Xiong Z. (2008) “Rapid destruction of perchlorate and nitrate in water and ion exchange brine using stabilized iron nanoparticles” Invited keynote speech and abstract published (delivered one keynote lecture on the subject) at the Third International Congress on Environmental Technologies, Polytechnic University of Army, Quito, Ecuador, June 4-6, 2008.

[109] D. Zhao (2007) “Preparation and application of stabilized nano-scale minerals for in situ immobilization of toxic metals in soils, sediments and solid wastes” Invited seminar, Stevens Institute of Technology, Center for Environmental Systems, Hoboken, NJ, Oct. 23, 2008.

[110] D. Zhao (2008) “Nanotechnologies for remediation of persistent organic pollutants in sediments and groundwater” Invited Panelist, the Geocongress 2008 conference, New Orleans during March 9-12, 2008. Abstract published.

[111] D. Zhao (2007) “Application of novel nanoparticles for degradation of organic pollutants in water and soil” Invited seminar, State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wushan, Guangzhou, China, April 10,2007.

[112] D. Zhao (2007) “Nanotechnologies for environmental remediation uses: History, Current State of technology and Prospects of Future Development” Invited seminar, Center for Eco-environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, April 20,2007.

[113] D. Zhao (2007) “Nanotechnologies for environmental remediation uses: an overview” Invited seminar, Xi’an Jiao Tong University, Xi’an, Shanxi, China, April 7, 2007.

[114] D. Zhao (2007) “Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies: Opportunities and Challenges for Environmental Engineering Professionals” Invited Seminar, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, April 23, 2007.

[115] D. Zhao (2007) “Zero-valent iron nanoparticles for in situ water treatment and soil remediation” Invited Seminar, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, September 22, 2006.

[116] Feng He, Yinhui Xu, R. Liu, and Dongye Zhao (2006) “Preparation and application of stabilized nanomaterials for environmental clean-up applications” July 2006, Invited Seminar, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

[117] D. Zhao (2006) “Emerging technologies for removal of trace contaminants from water and for soil remediation” Invited seminar, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, September 22, 2006.

[118] D. Zhao, Z. Xiong, M.O. Barnett and W. Harper (2006) “In-situ immobilization/containment of mercury in soils and sediments using a new class of stabilized metal sulfide nanoparticles”, invited seminar, EPA Region 4 Symposium on New Technologies for Site Remediation, February 28, 2006.

[119] M.O. Barnett, D. Zhao, Z. Xiong, J. Bower and W. Harper (2006) “Immobilization of mercury in soils and sediments using metal sulfide minerals”, invited seminar, EPA Region 4 Symposium on New Technologies for Site Remediation, February 28, 2006.

[120] Barnett, M. O., D. Zhao, W. F. Harper, J. Bower, Z. Xiong, W. P. Hamilton, K. Savage and R. R. Turner (2006) “Interactions of mercury with sulfur and its implications to mercury cycling” , Invited presentation at U.S. Corps of Engineer's Engineer Research Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, April 24.

[121] D. Zhao (2002) “Mass transfer modeling of bioavailability, fate and transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils and sediments”, invited seminar, Georgia Tech, October 23, 2002.

[122] D. Zhao (2002) “Sorption and Bioavailability of Organic Contaminants in Soils”, invited seminar, Department of Soil and Agronomy, Auburn University. April 15, 2002.

[123] D. Zhao (2001) “Competitive sorption and desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in estuarine sediments”, invited oral presentation at the 22nd Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 11-15, 2001.

[124] D. Zhao and J. Pignatello (2001) “Model-aided characterization of Tenax resins for sorption of aromatics from water”, invited poster presentation at the 22nd Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 11-15, 2001.

[125] D. Zhao and J. Pignatello (2001) “Dual-mode modeling of Competitive sorption and desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils and sediments”, invited seminar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn University, Nov. 2, 2001.

[126] D. Zhao and A.K. SenGupta (2000) “Ion exchange and adsorption technologies for wastewater treatment and soil remediation” Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, March, 2001.

[127] D. Zhao and A.K. SenGupta (2000) “Selective removal of phosphate and chromate from drinking water using a new class of ligand exchangers” University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, October, 2000.

[128] D. Zhao (2000) “Selective removal of phosphate and chromate from drinking water using a new class of ligand exchangers” and “Mass transfer modeling of emissions of volatile organic compounds from building materials in the indoor air environment” Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Jan. 2000.

[129] D. Zhao and A.K. SenGupta (1999) “Selective removal of trace contaminants from water using polymeric ligand exchangers” University of Regina, Regina, Canada, June 1999.

[130] D. Zhao (1999) “Impact of building materials on indoor air quality”, invited Speaker at the Quadrangle Conference, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Feb. 1999.

[131] D. Zhao and A.K. SenGupta (1999) “Selective removal and recovery of phosphate from water using polymeric ligand exchangers” Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, March 1998.

[132] D. Zhao and A.K. SenGupta (1997) “States of water molecules in polymeric sorbents and their roles in mass transfer kinetics”, invited poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conferences (Division of Adsorption and Reactive Polymers), Plymouth, NH, July, 1997.

[133] D. Zhao (1997) “Mitigating the eutrophication problems using new ion exchange technologies”, invited co-speaker at the drinking water reservoir management workshop sponsored by the State of New York, Albany, NY, Jan. 1997

[134] A.K. SenGupta and D. Zhao (1995) “Separation of trace contaminants through ligand exchange”, invited Presentation at the Gordon Research Conferences (Division of adsorption and Reactive Polymers), Newport, RI, July, 1995.


Papers under review

[1]   J. Wang, X. Liu, H. Deng. D. Zhao, Q. Yang, Z. Zhu (2023) “Reductive sequestration of Cr(VI) in soil and groundwater using Ca-Fe-S microparticles” J. of Environ. Chemical Eng. (in review)

[2]   N. Zhao,a,b Tong Liu,c Dongye Zhao,d Ye Xiao,a,b Chuanfang Zhao,e Jia Gao,a Ziqin Yin,a Weihua Zhang,a,b* Weixian Zhang,f,g Rongliang Qiu “Fe phases in Fe/C composites modulated selective adsorption of Pb(II) from a bimetal system with Cd(II): An electronic-scale perspective”

[3]   T. Wang, D. Zhao, J, Liu, T. Zhang, X. Wang, T. Liu, B. Liu, Y. Liu (2022) “Effects of abiotic mineral transformation of FeS on the dynamic immobilization of Cr(VI) in oxic aquatic environments” (in review)

[4]   S. Liu, S. Yang*, X. Bao, Y. Li, M. Wang, D. Zhao (2022) “Carbon-modified/embedded zero-valent aluminum microparticles will control electron release for efficient adsorption and degradation of aqueous pollutants” Chemical Engineering Journal, (In review)

[5]   S. Tian and D. Zhao (2022) “Comparing three polysaccharide stabilizers for stabilizing FeS nanoparticles: Stabilizing effectiveness and effects on immobilization of cadmium in soil” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (in review)

[6]    S. Tian and D. Zhao (2022) “Removal and recovery of high concentrations of PFBA from water: A comparison of representative ion exchange resins”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, (in review)

[7]   X. Huang, D. Luo, X. Zhou, T. Xiao, D. Zhao, L. Liu, L. Zeng, Q. Wu, Y. Liu, L. Wei (2022) “Phytoremediation of Cd and Pb contaminated soil using sunflower enhanced by four chelating agents: Effectiveness and secondary pollution potential” (in review)

[8]   J. Fan, X. Sun, Y. Liu, D. Zhao, X. Hao, Q. Wang, Z. Cai (2022) “New insight into environmental photochemistry of PAHs induced by dissolved organic matters: A model of naphthalene in seawater” (in review)

[9]   Y. Li, S. Yang, Q. Li, D. Fan, H. Wang, D. Zhao* (2021) “Modifying zero-valent aluminum with carbon nanotubes through ball milling greatly enhances electron efficiency for target pollutants” Water research, (in review)

[10]          K. Liu, D. Zhao, Y. Xiao, N. Zhao, C. Zhao, W. Zhang, Y. Tang, R. Qiu (2021) “Enhanced adsorption and reduction of Cr(VI) using novel unconfined N-doped iron carbide loaded on carbon nanotubes” Water Research. (in review)

[11]          Y. Xu, D. Zhao, J. Zhu, L. Zhuo, Y. Tan (2021) “Comparative study on the development of cultural industry in ethnic minority and developed regions in China” J Cult Econ. (in review)

[12]            Y. Yi, G. Tu, D. Zhao, Z. Fang (2021) “Role of components in Fenton-like degradation of metronidazole using magnetic biochar derived from different biomass wastes and steel picking waste liquor” Bioresource Technology (in review)

[13]            H. Ji, Q. Wang, B. Higgins, D. Zhao* (2021) “Removal and photocatalytic degradation of organic inhibitors for improved microalgae biomass production” Chemosphere, (in review)

[14]          J. Xu, N. Gao,  D. Zhao*, L. Li, Y. Chen, L. Lu (2021) “Investigation of Fe-impregnated GAC (Fe-GAC) using the hot hydrolysis of different types of iron salts and its mechanism for bromate reduction” J. Hazardous Materials, (in review)

[15]          M. Zheng, J. Lu, T. Luan, D. Zhao* (2021) “Cytotoxicity of bare and carboxymethyl cellulose coated iron sulfide nanoparticles and biocompatibility: improvement by surface engineering” Nanotoxicology, (in review)

[16]          Y. Yi, Y. Wei, Z. Fang, D. Zhao, P. E. Tsang (2021) “Ageing effects on the iron-based nanoparticles synthesized by aqueous extracts of Eichhornia crassipes: Stabilization and Reactivity” Environmental Pollution, (in review)


Papers published or in press


[17]          Y. Huang, Y. Tu, J. Wu, X. Su, D. Zhao (2023) “Extraction of high concentration of Cr(VI) in contaminated industrial soil using humic acid” Surfaces and Interfaces, (in press)

[18]          M. Zhang, X. Zhao, D. Zhao, T-Y Soong, S. Tian (2023) “Poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in landfills: Occurrence, transformation and treatment” Waste Management, 155(1), 162-178.

[19]          M. Wen, Z. Ma, D. B. Gingerich, X. Zhao, D. Zhao (2022) “Heavy metals in agricultural soil in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis” Eco-Environment & Health, 1(4), 219-228.

[20]          Y. Zhu, T. Xu, D. Zhao (2022) “Metal-doped carbon-supported/modified titanate nanotubes for perfluorooctane sulfonate degradation in water: Effects of preparation conditions, mechanisms, and parameter optimization” Science of the Total Environment, Volume 853, 158573.

[21]          J. Wang, H. Deng, Z. Lin, D. Zhao (2022) “Microwave-enhanced efficient immobilization of lead and arsenic in a field soil using ferrous sulfate” Chemosphere, 308(Part 2), 136388.

[22]          Y. Zhu, H. Ji, K. He, L. Blaney, T. Xu, D. Zhao (2022) “Photocatalytic degradation of GenX in water using a new adsorptive photocatalyst” Water Research, Volume 220, 118650.

[23]          H. Ji, J. Ni, D. Zhao, W. Liu (2022) “Application of titanate nanotubes for photocatalytic decontamination in water: Challenges and prospects” ACS EST Engg. 2022, 2, 1015−1038.

[24]          J-M. A. Juve, F. Li, Y. Zhu, W. Liu, L. D. M. Ottosen, D. Zhao*, Z. Wei (2022) “Concentrate and degrade PFOA with a photo-regenerable composite of In-doped TNTs@AC” Chemosphere, Vol. 300, 134495.

[25]          S. Yang, X. Sun, Y. Jiang, S. Wu, D. Zhao* (2022) “Mechanochemical destruction and mineralization of solid-phase hexabromocyclododecane assisted by microscale zero-valent aluminum” Science of the Total Environment, 824:153864. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153864

[26]          N. Zhao, K. Liu, C. He, D. Zhao, L. Zhu, C. Zhao, W. Zhang, W. Da Oh, R. Qiu (2022) “H3PO4 activation mediated the iron phase transformation and enhanced the removal of bisphenol A on iron carbide-loaded activated biochar” Environmental Pollution, 300, 118965.

[27]          T. Wang, D. Zhao, J. Cao, Q. Zeng, W. Li, B. Liu, D. He, Y. Liu (2021) “FeS-mediated mobilization and immobilization of Cr(III) in oxic aquatic systems” Water Research. 211, 118077.

[28]          Y. Bai, Y. Gong, D. Zhao, Q. Wang (2021) “Aggregation of carboxyl-modified polystyrene nanoplastics in water with aluminum chloride: Structural characterization and theoretical calculation” Water Research, Volume 208, 1 January 2022, 117884.

[29]          Y. Tu, Y. Gong, D. Zhao*, Z. Li, H. Deng, X. Liu (2021) “Field demonstration of onsite immobilization of arsenic and lead in soil using a ternary amending agent” J. Hazardous Materials, 426:127791.

[30]            J. Wang, X. Liu, L. Yuan, D. Zhao, H. Deng, Z. Lin (2021) “Microwave-enhanced reductive immobilization of high concentrations of chromium in a field soil using iron polysulfide” J. Hazardous Materials, Volume 418, 126293.

[31]          S. Tian, T. Xu, Y. Zhu, F. Li, L. Fang, R. N. Leary III, M. Zhang, D. Zhao*, T. Y. Soong, H. Shi (2021) “A ‘Concentrate-&-Destroy’ technology for enhanced removal and destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in municipal landfill leachate” Science of the Total Environment, Volume 791, 15 October 2021, 148124. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148124

[32]          Z. Li, Y. Gong, D. Zhao*, H. Deng, Z. Dang, Z. Lin (2021) “Field assessment of carboxymethyl cellulose bridged chlorapatite microparticles for immobilization of lead in soil: Effectiveness, long-term stability, and mechanism” Science of the Total Environment, 781(10), 146757.

[33]          X. Sun, J. Li, X. Sun, J. Zhen, Z. Wu, W. Liu, D. Zhao, Z. Lin (2021) “Efficient stabilization of arsenic in the arsenic-bearing lime-ferrate sludge by zero valent iron-enhanced hydrothermal treatment” Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, Volume 421, Part 1, 129683.

[34]          H. Ji, W. Liu, F. Sun, T. Huang, L. Chen, Y. Liu, J. Qi, C. Xie, D. Zhao* (2021) “Experimental evidences and theoretical calculations on phenanthrene degradation in a solar-light-driven photocatalysis system using silica aerogel supported TiO2 nanoparticles: Insights into reactive sites and energy evolution” Chemical Engineering Journal, 419, 129605.

[35]          Y. Zhu, T. Xu, D. Zhao*, F. Li, W. Liu, B. Wang, B. An (2021) “Adsorption and solid-phase photocatalytic degradation of perfluorooctane sulfonate in water using gallium-doped carbon-modified titanate nanotubes” Chemical Engineering Journal, 129676.

[36]            Y. Jiang, S. Yang, M. Wang, Y. Xue, J. Liu, Y. Li, D. Zhao* (2021) “A novel ball-milled aluminum-carbon composite for enhanced adsorption and degradation of hexabromocyclododecane” Chemosphere, 279, 130520.

[37]            Z. Li, Y. Gong, D. Zhao*, Z. Dang, Z. Lin (2021) “Evaluation of three common alkaline agents for immobilization of multi-metals in a field-contaminated acidic soil” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, PMID: 34165755, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-14670-3.

[38]            T. Xu, Y. Zhu. D. Zhao* (2021) “Response to comments on “Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid using carbon-modified bismuth phosphate composite: Effectiveness, material synergy, and roles of carbon” Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 419, 2021, 129359.

[39]            E. Anang, H. Liu, X. Fan, D. Zhao, and X. Gong (2021) “Compositional evolution of nanoscale zero valent iron and 2,4-dichlorophenol during dechlorination by attapulgite supported Fe/Ni nanoparticles” J. Hazardous Materials, Volume 412, 125246.

[40]            Z. Li, Y. Gong, D. Zhao*, Z. Dang, Z. Lin (2021) “Simultaneous immobilization of multi-metals in a field contaminated acidic soil using carboxymethyl-cellulose-bridged nano-chlorapatite and calcium oxide” J. Hazardous Materials, 407, 124786.

[41]            G. Wang, Y. Yuan, J. L. Morel, Z. Feng, D. Chen, C. Lu, M. Guo, C. Liu, S. Wang, Y. Chao, Y. Tang, D. Zhao, W. Zhang, and R. Qiu (2021) “Biological aqua crust mitigates metal(loid) pollution in mine drainage ponds” Water Research, 190(2), 116736.

[42]          S. Wu, S. Yang, Q, Li, M, Wang, Y, Xue, D. Zhao* (2021) “Iron(II) sulfate crystals assisted mechanochemical modification of microscale zero-valent aluminum (mZVAl) for phenol oxidative degradation of phenol in water” Chemosphere, 274, 129767.

[43]            H. Son, T. Kim, H. Yoom, Y. Kim, D. Zhao, B. An (2020) “The adsorption selectivity of short and long chain per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from surface water using powder activated carbon” Water, 12, 3287; doi:10.3390/w12113287 (Editor’s Choice Article)

[44]          J. Duan, H. Ji, T. Xu, F. Pan, X. Liu, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2021) “Simultaneous adsorption of uranium(VI) and 2-chlorophenol by activated carbon fiber supported/modified titanate nanotubes (TNTs@ACF): Effectiveness and synergistic effects” Chemical Engineering Journal, 406, 126752.

[45]          F. Li, Z. Wei, K. He, L. Blaney, X. Cheng, T. Xu, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2020) “A concentrate-&-destroy technique for degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid in water using a new adsorptive photocatalyst” Water Research, 185, 116219.

[46]          X. Zhao, W. Liu, Z. Cai, J. Fu, J. Duan, D. Zhao*, M. Bozack, Y. Feng (2020) “Reductive removal of uranium(VI) in groundwater by stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles: Effects of stabilizers and water chemistry” Colloids and Surfaces A. 604, 125315.

[47]          Z. Li, Y. Gong, D. Zhao*, Z. Lin, Z. Dang (2020) “Enhanced removal of zinc and cadmium from water using carboxymethyl cellulose-bridged chlorapatite nanoparticles” Chemosphere, Volume 263, 128038.

[48]          D. Zhao* (2020) “Water and wastewater in a time of crisis” Water Environment Research, 92: 644–645.

[49]          Q. Wu, H. Li, X. Hu, Y. Shi, D. Kong, Y. Zhang, B. Mai, D. Zhao, J. Fu (2020) “Full-scale evaluation of reversed A2/O process for removal of multiple pollutants in sewage” Chinese Chemical Letters, 31(10), 2825-2830.

[50]          Z. Cai, X. Zhao, J. Duan, D. Zhao*, Z. Dang, and Z. Lin (2020) “Remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with organic chemicals using stabilized nanoparticles: Lessons from the past two decades” Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 14, 84.

[51]          T. Wang, T. Qian, D. Zhao*, X. Liu, Q. Ding (2020) “Immobilization of perrhenate in soil and groundwater using synthetic pyrite particles: Effectiveness and remobilization potential” Science of The Total Environment, 725, 138423.

[52]          T. Xu, Y. Zhu, J. Duan, Y. Xia, T. Tong, L. Zhang, D. Zhao* (2020) “Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid using carbon-modified bismuth phosphate composite: Effectiveness, material synergy, and roles of carbon” Chemical Engineering Journal, 395, 124991.

[53]          X. Ruan, H. Liu, X. Ning, D. Zhao, X. Fan (2020) “Screen for the action mechanism of Fe and Ni in the reduction of Cr(VI) by Fe/Ni nanoparticles” Science of The Total Environment, 715, 136822.

[54]          X. Mo, J. Zhou, L. Lin, Z. Zhong, X. Liu, Z. Shi, D. Zhao, Z. Lin (2020) “Extraction of Cr(VI) from chromite ore processing residue via hydrothermal-assisted phase transformation” Chinese Chemical Letters, 31(7), 1956-1960.

[55]          J. Duan, H. Ji, X. Zhao, S. Tian, T. Xu, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2020) “Immobilization of U(VI) by stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles: Water chemistry effects, mechanisms, and long-term stability” Chemical Engineering Journal, 393, 1 August 2020, 124692.

[56]          J. Xu, Z. Liu, D. Zhao*, X Fu (2020) “Enhanced adsorption of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) from water by granular activated carbon supported magnetite nanoparticles” Science of the Total Environment, Volume 723, 25 June 2020, 137757.

[57]          H. Ji, P. Du, D. Zhao*, S. Li, F. Sun, E. C. Duin, W. Liu (2020) “2D/1D graphitic carbon nitride/titanate nanotubes heterostructure for efficient photocatalysis of sulfamethazine under solar light: Catalytic “hot spots” at the rutile–anatase–titanate interfaces” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 263, 118357.

[58]            M. Zheng, Z. Huang, H. Ji, F. Qiu, D. Zhao*, A. R. Combs, B. H. Farnum (2020) “Simultaneous control of soil erosion and arsenic leaching at disturbed land using polyacrylamide modified magnetite nanoparticles” Science of the Total Environment, 702(2), 134997.

[59]          S. Tian, Y. Gong, H. Ji, J. Duan, and D. Zhao* (2020) “Efficient removal and long-term sequestration of cadmium from aqueous solution using iron sulfide nanoparticles: Performance, mechanisms, and long-term stability” Science of The Total Environment, 704:135402.

[60]          H. Ji, W. Xie, W. Liu, X. Liu, D. Zhao* (2020) “Sorption of dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons by activated charcoals: Effects of oil dispersants” Environmental Pollution, Volume 256, January 2020, 113416.

[61]          T. Xu, H. Ji, Y. Gu, T. Tong, Y. Xi, L. Zhang, and D. Zhao* (2020) “Enhanced adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid in water using iron (hydr)oxides/carbon sphere composite” Chemical Engineering Journal, 388, 15 May 2020, 124230.

[62]            M. Wang, Y. Li, D. Zhao, L. Zhuang, G. Yang, Y. Gong (2020) “Immobilization of mercury by iron sulfide nanoparticles alters mercury speciation and microbial methylation in contaminated groundwater” Chemical Engineering Journal, 381(2), 122664.

[63]            F. Li, J. Duan, S. Tian, H. Ji, Y. Zhu, Z. Wei, D. Zhao* (2020) “Short-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in aquatic systems: Occurrence, impacts and treatment” Chemical Engineering Journal, 380 (1), 122506.

[64]            Z. Wei, T. Xu, D. Zhao* (2019) “Treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in landfill leachate: status, chemistry and prospects” Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 5, 1814–1835. The journal’s 2019 Best Paper of the Year.

[65]          Y. Yi, J. Wu, G. Tu, D. Zhao, Z. Fang, P. E. Tsang (2019) “The humic acid influenced the behavior and reactivity of Ni/Fe nanoparticles in the removal of deca-brominated diphenyl ether from aqueous solution" Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(10), 10136–10147.

[66]            F. Qiu, H. Lv, X. Zhao, D. Zhao* (2019) “Impact of an extreme winter storm event on the coagulation/flocculation processes in a prototype surface water treatment plant: Causes and mitigating measures” Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16(15), 2808.

[67]          N. Zhang, Z. Fang, E. P. Tsang, J. Chen, D. Zhao (2019) “Critical role of oxygen vacancies in heterogeneous Fenton oxidation over ceria-based catalysts” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 558, 163-172.

[68]            Y. Yi, G. Tu, Z. Fang, D. Zhao,  E. P. Tsang (2019) “Key roles of FeO in the removal of Cr(VI) by novel magnetic biochar synthesized using steel picking waste liquor and sugarcane bagasse” Journal of Cleaner Production, 118886.

[69]            T. Wang, L. Huo, Y. Li, T. Qian, D. Zhao* (2019) “Immobilization of hexavalent chromium in soil and groundwater using synthetic pyrite particles” Environmental Pollution, 255 (Part 1), 112992.

[70]          X. Ruan, H. Liu, J. Wang, D. Zhao, X. Fan (2019) “New insight into the main mechanism of 2,4-dichlorophenol dechlorination by Fe/Ni nanoparticles” Science of the Total Environment, 697:133996.

[71]            Y. Yi, G. Tu, D. Zhao, P. E. Tsang, Z. Fang (2019) “Pyrolysis of different biomass pre-impregnated with steel pickling waste liquor to prepare magnetic biochars and their use for the degradation of metronidazole” Bioresource Technology, 289, 121613.

[72]            H. Ji, Y. Zhu, J. Duan, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2019) “Reductive immobilization and long-term remobilization of radioactive pertechnetate using bio-macromolecules stabilized zero valent iron nanoparticles” Chinese Chemical Letters, 30(12), 2163-2168.

[73]          J. Yuan, M. Zhang, M. Xia, W. Cao, M. Du, J. Dou, D. Zhao* (2019) “Novel high-capacity and reusable carbonaceous composite sponges for efficient absorption and recovery of oil from water” Applied Surface Science, 487, 398-408.

[74]            X. Huang, D. Luo, D. Zhao*, N. Li, T. Xiao, J. Liu, L. Wei, Y. Liu (2019) “Distribution, sources and risk assessment of metals/metalloids in water, sediments, and Corbicula fluminea of Xijiang River, China” Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16(10), 1823.

[75]          Z. Wei, W. Li, D. Zhao, Y. Seo, R. Spinney, D. D. Dionysiou, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, X. Min, and R. Xiao (2019) “Electrophilicity index as a critical indicator for the biodegradation rate of pharmaceuticals in aerobic activated sludge processes” Water Research, 160, 10-17.

[76]          B. An, S. Lee, H, Kim, D. Zhao, S. Jeong, S. Leed, S-H. Lee, J-W Choi (2019) “Organic/inorganic hybrid adsorbent for efficient phosphate removal from a reservoir affected by algae bloom” J. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 69, 211-216.

[77]          X. Wen, G. Lu, K. Lv, M. Jin, X. Shi, F. Lu, D. Zhao* (2019) “Impacts of traffic noise on roadside schools in a prototype large Chinese city” Applied Acoustics, 151, 153-163.

[78]          F. Qiu, H. Lv, D. Zhao*, J. Wang, and K. Fu (2019) “Enhanced nutrients removal in bioretention systems modified with water treatment residual and internal water storage zone” Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5, 993-1003.

[79]          X. Liu, D. Zhao and L. Peng, H. Bai, D. Zhang, L. Mu (2019) “Gas–particle partition and spatial characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air of a prototype coking plant” Atmospheric Environment, 204(5), 32-42.

[80]          Y. Yi, G. Tu, Z. Fang, D. Zhao, E. P. Tsang (2019) “Biomass waste components significantly influence the removal of Cr(VI) using magnetic biochar derived from four types of feedstocks and steel pickling waste liquor” Chemical Engineering Journal, 360(3), 212-220.

[81]          J. Duan, H. Ji, W. Liu, X. Zhao, B. Han, S. Tian, D. Zhao* (2019) “Enhanced immobilization of U(VI) using a new type of FeS-modified Fe0 core-shell particles” Chemical Engineering Journal, 359(1), 1617-1628.

[82]          Y. Gong, D. Zhao*, and Q. Wang (2018) “An overview of field-scale studies on remediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals and metalloids: Technical progress over the last decade” Water Research, 147, 440-460.

[83]          Y. Zhao, S. Tian, Y. Gong, D. Zhao* (2019) “Efficient removal of lead from water using stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles” Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 230, 115.

[84]          J. Xu, N. Gao and D. Zhao* (2019) “Bromate reduction and reaction-enhanced perchlorate adsorption by FeCl3-impregnated granular activated carbon” Water Research, 149(2), 149-158.

[85]          H. Ji, Y. Zhu, W. Liu, T. Qian, M.J. Bozack, D. Zhao* (2019) “Sequestration of pertechnetate using carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized FeS nanoparticles: Effectiveness and mechanisms” Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 561(20), 373-380.

[86]          X. Liu, K. Song, W. Liu, Y. Xiong, Y. Xu, Z. Shi, D. Zhao, Z. Lin (2019) “Removal and recovery of Pb from wastewater through a reversible phase transformation process between nano-flowerlike Mg(OH)2 and soluble Mg(HCO3)2Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 467-477. (Themed collection: Recent HOT Articles)

[87]          F. Qiu, J. Wang, D. Zhao*, K. Fu (2018) “Adsorption of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate in water using recycled water treatment residual” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(29), 29593-29604.

[88]          Y. Guan, J. Zhou, X. Fu, Y. Zhao, A. Luo, J. Xu, J. Fu, D. Zhao* (2018) “Effects of long-lasting nitrogen and organic shock loadings on an engineered biofilter treating matured landfill leachate” J. Hazardous Materials, 360, 536-543.

[89]          G. Wang, D. Zhao, F. Kou, Q. Ouyang, J. Chen, Z. Fang (2018) “Removal of norfloxacin by surface Fenton system (MnFe2O4/H2O2): Kinetics, mechanism and degradation pathway” Chemical Engineering Journal, 351, 747-755.

[90]          H. Ji, Y. Gong, J. Duan, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2018) “Degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in seawater by simulated surface-level atmospheric ozone: Reaction kinetics and effect of oil dispersant” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135, 427-440.

[91]          X. Liu, F. Li, P. Du, J. Duan, T. Qian, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2018) “Immobilization of uranium(VI) by niobate/titanate nanoflakes heterojunction through combined adsorption and solar-light-driven photo-reduction” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 231, 11–22.

[92]          Y. Yi, J. Wu, Y. Wei, Z. Fang, Y. Gong, D. Zhao (2018) “Effects of synthesis conditions on the characteristics of Ni/Fe nanoparticles and its removal of decabrominated diphenyl ether” Water Air Soil Pollut. 229: 53. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-018-3699-z.

[93]          M. Zheng, J. Lu, D. Zhao* (2018) “Effects of surface coatings of magnetite nanoparticles on cellular uptake, toxicity and gene expression profiles in adult zebrafish” Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 622-623, 930-941.

[94]          M. Zheng, J. Lu,, D. Zhao* (2018) “Toxicity and transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) analyses of adult zebrafish in response to exposure to carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles” Scientific Reports, 8:8083 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-26499-x

[95]          J. Fu, G. Z. Kyzasc, Z. Cai, E. A. Deliyanni, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2018) “Photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene by graphite oxide-TiO2-Sr(OH)2 nanocomposite under solar irradiation: Effects of water chemistry and predictive modeling” Chemical Engineering Journal, 335, 290-300.

[96]          F. Li, W. Liu P. Du, X. Li, H. Ji, J. Duan, D. Zhao* (2018) “Hydrothermal synthesis of graphene grafted titania/tianate nanosheets for photocatalytic degradation 4-chlorophenol: Solar-light-driven photocatalytic activity and computational chemistry analysis” Chemical Engineering Journal, 331(1), 685-694.

[97]          J. Duan, W. Liu, X. Zhao, Y. Han, D. Zhao*, S.E. O'Reilly (2018) “Study of the residual oil in Bay Jimmy sediment 5 years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: persistence of sediment retained oil hydrocarbons and effect of dispersants on desorption” Science of The Total Environment, 618: 1244-1253.

[98]          X. Huang, N. Li, Q. Wu, J. Long, D. Luo, X. Huang, D. Li, D. Zhao* (2018) “Fractional distribution of thallium in paddy soil and its bioavailability to rice” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 148, 311-317.

[99]          Z. Cai, W. Liu, J. Fu, X. Zhao, X. Hao, D. Zhao* (2018) “Reduction of nitrobenzene in the aqueous and soil phases using carboxyl methyl cellulose-stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles” Chemical Engineering Journal, 332, 227-236.

[100]        Z. Cai, A.D. Dwivedi, W.N. Lee, X. Zhao, W. Liu, M. Sillanpää, D. Zhao, C.-H. Huang, J. Fu (2018) “Application of nanotechnologies for removing pharmaceutically active compounds in water: Development and future trends” Environmental Science: Nano, 5(1), 27-47. RSC Environmental Science Journals 2018 Best Paper.

[101]      Y. Qiao, J. Wu, Y. Xu, Z. Fang, L. Zheng, W. Cheng, E. P. Tsang, J. Fang, D. Zhao (2017) “Remediation of cadmium in soil by biochar-supported iron phosphate nanoparticles” Ecological Engineering, Part A, 106, 515-522.

[102]        B. Han, W. Liu, X. Zhao, Z. Cai, D. Zhao* (2017) “Transport of multi-walled carbon nanotubes stabilized by carboxymethyl cellulose and starch in saturated porous media: Influences of electrolyte, clay and natural organic matter” Science of the Total Environment, 599–600: 188–197.

[103]  B. Han, W. Liu, J. Li, J. Wang, D. Zhao*, R. Xu, Z. Lin (2017) “Catalytic hydrodechlorination of triclosan using a new class of anion-exchange-resin supported palladium catalysts” Water Research, 120: 199-210.

[104]        F. Pan, X. Zhong, D.S. Xia, F. Li, D. Zhao, W. Liu (2017) “Nanoscale zero-valent iron/persulfate enhanced upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor for dye removal: Insight into treatment performance, microbial metabolism, and microbial community” Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 44626.

[105]        Z. Cai, J. Fu, W. Liu, K. Fu, S.E. O’Reilly, D. Zhao* (2017) “Effects of oil dispersants on settling of marine sediment particles and particle-associated transport of oil components” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114(1), 408–418.

[106]        Z. Cai, W. Liu, J. Fu, S. E. O’Reilly, and D. Zhao* (2017) “Effects of oil dispersants on photodegradation of parent and alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in seawater” Environmental Pollution, 229: 272-280.

[107]        Z. Cai, X. Zhao, T. Wang, W. Liu and D. Zhao* (2017) "A reusable platinum-deposited anatase/hexa-titanate nanotubes: roles of reduced and oxidized platinum on enhanced solar-light-driven photocatalytic activity" ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 5(1), 547–555.

[108]        J. Fu, Y. Gong, Z. Cai, S.E. O’Reilly, D. Zhao (2017) “Mechanistic investigation into sunlight-facilitated photodegradation of pyrene in seawater with oil dispersants" Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114(2): 751–758.

[109]  J. Ma, F. Li, T. Qian, H. Liu, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2017) “Natural organic matter resistant activated charcoal supported titanate nanotubes for adsorption of Pb(II)” Chemical Engineering Journal, 315: 191–200.

[110]        L. Huo, W. Xie, T. Qian, X. Guan, D. Zhao* (2017) “Reductive immobilization of pertechnetate in soil and groundwater using synthetic pyrite nanoparticles” Chemosphere, 174: 456–465.

[111]  M. Zhang, F. He, D. Zhao*, X. Hao (2017) “Transport of stabilized iron nanoparticles in porous media: Effects of surface and solution chemistry and role of adsorption” J. Hazardous Materials, 322: 284–291.

[112]      S.H. Joo and D. Zhao (2017) “Environmental dynamics of metal oxide nanoparticles in heterogeneous systems: A review” J. Hazardous Materials, 322: 29–47.

[113]        B. Han, M. Zhang, and D. Zhao* (2017) “In-situ degradation of soil-sorbed 17β-estradiol using carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized manganese oxide nanoparticles: Column studies” Environmental Pollution, 223: 238-246.

[114]        Y. Gong and D. Zhao* (2016) “Effects of oil dispersant on ozone oxidation of phenanthrene and pyrene in marine water” Chemosphere, 172: 468–475.

[115]        J. Li, H. Qin, W. Zhang, D. Zhao, Z. Shi, X. Guan (2016) “Enhanced Cr(VI) removal by zero-valent iron coupled with weak magnetic field: Role of magnetic gradient force” Separation and Purification Technology, 176(4): 40–47.

[116]        H. Liu, X. Ruan, D. Zhao*, X. Fan, T. Feng (2016) “Enhanced adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol by nanoscale zero-valent iron loaded on bentonite and modified with a cationic surfactant” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(1): 191–197.

[117]        J. Xu, N. Gao, D. Zhao*, G. He, L. Li, Y. Chen, Y. Zhu (2016) “Different iron salt impregnated granular activated carbon (Fe-GAC) for perchlorate removal: characterization, performance and mechanism” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 509(20) 99-108.

[118]        F. Pan, Y. Yu, M. Wu, Z. Zheng, Q. Zhang, D. Zhao, X. Yin, S. Liu, D. Xia (2016) “The effects of manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve chitosan microspheres on sludge bacterial community structures during sewage biological treatment” Scientific Reports, 6:37518.

[119]        J. Xu, N. Gao, D. Zhao*, W. Chu, G. He, P. Chen (2016) “Enhanced iron efficiency of iron hydroxide impregnated granular activated carbon (Fe-GAC) for arsenate removal via Fe(II)-H2O2 method” J. Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 000 (2016) 1–10.

[120]        Z. Fang, J. Wang, W. Cheng, P. E Tsang, D. Zhao (2016) “Aging decreases the phytotoxicity of zero-valent iron nanoparticles in soil cultivated with rice (Oryza Sativa L.)” Ecotoxicology, 25(6): 1202-1210.

[121]        H. Su, Z. Fang, E. Tsang, L. Zheng, W. Cheng, J. Fang, D. Zhao (2016) “Remediation of hexavalent chromium contaminated soil by biochar-supported zero-valent iron nanoparticles” J. Hazardous Materials, 318: 533–540.

[122]        W. Liu, Z. Cai, X. Zhao, T. Wang, S.E. O’Reilly, D. Zhao* (2016) “High-capacity and photoregenerable composite material for efficient adsorption and degradation of phenanthrene in water” Environmental Sci. & Technol., 50(20): 11174–11183.

[123]      H. Su, Z. Fang, P. Tsang, L. Zheng, W. Cheng, J. Fang, D. Zhao (2016) “Stabilization of nanoscale zero-valent iron with biochar for enhanced transport and in-situ remediation of hexavalent chromium in soil” Environmental Pollution, 214: 94-100.

[124]        Z. Yang, Z. Fang, L. Zheng, W. Cheng, P. E. Tsang, J. Fang, D. Zhao (2016) “Remediation of lead contaminated soil by biochar-supported nano-hydroxyapatite” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 132: 224-230.

[125]        Z. Yang, Z. Fang, P. E. Tsang, D. Zhao (2016) “In situ remediation and phytotoxicity assessment of lead-contaminated soil by biochar-supported nHAP” J. Environmental Management, 182(1): 247-251.

[126]        W. Liu, X. Zhao, Z. Cai, B. Han, D. Zhao* (2016) “Aggregation and stabilization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in aqueous suspensions: Influences of carboxymethyl cellulose, starch and humic acid” RSC Advances, 6: 67260–67270.

[127]        Z. Cai, Y. Gong, J. Fu, S.E. O’Reilly, X. Hao, and D. Zhao* (2016) “A surface tension based method for measuring oil dispersant concentration in seawater” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109:49-54.

[128]        X. Zhao, W. Liu, Z. Cai, B. Han, T. Qian, D. Zhao* (2016) “An overview of preparation and applications of stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles for soil and groundwater remediation” Water Research, 100: 245-266. (Most downloaded hot paper)

[129]        H. Liu, Z. Cai, D. Zhao*, T. Qian, M. Bozack (2016) “Reductive removal of selenate in water using stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles” Water Environment Res. 88(8):694-703.

[130]        X. Zhao, W. Liu, J. Fu, Z. Cai, S.E. O’Reilly, D. Zhao* (2016) “Dispersion, sorption and photodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in dispersant-seawater-sediment systems” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109(1): 526-38.

[131]        J. Wang, Z. Fang, W. Cheng, X. Yan, P. E. Tsang, D. Zhao (2016) “Higher concentrations of zero-valent iron (nZVI) in soil induced rice chlorosis due to inhibited active iron transportation” Environ Pollut. 2016 210:338-345. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.01.028.

[132]        Y. Gong, J. Tang, and D. Zhao* (2016) “Application of iron sulfide particles for groundwater and soil remediation: A review” Water Res., 89(1) 309–320.

[133]      Y. Gong, L. Wang, J. Liu, J. Tang and D. Zhao* (2016) “Removal of aqueous perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) using starch-stabilized magnetite nanoparticles” Science of the Total Environment, 562, 191–200.

[134]        W. Xie and D. Zhao* (2016) “Controlling phosphate releasing from poultry litter using stabilized Fe-Mn oxide nanoparticles” Science of the Total Environment, 542, 1020–1029.

[135]        W. Liu, X. Zhao, T. Wang, Z. Cai, J. Ni, D. Zhao* (2016) “Adsorption of uranium(VI) by multilayer titanate nanotubes: Effects of inorganic cations, carbonate and natural organic matter” Chemical Engineering Journal, 286, 427–435.

[136]        X. Zhao, Z. Cai, T. Wang, S.E. O’Reilly, W. Liu, D. Zhao* (2016) “A new type of cobalt-doped titanate nanotubes for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 187, 134–143.

[137]        B. Han, D. Zhao*, Y. Feng (2015) “Degradation of aqueous and soil-sorbed estradiol by a new class of stabilized manganese oxide nanoparticles” Water Res. 70: 288-299.

[138]        W. Xie, Q. Liang, T. Qian, and D. Zhao* (2015) “Immobilization of selenite in soil and groundwater using stabilized Fe-Mn binary oxide nanoparticles” Water Res. 70: 485-494.

[139]  W. Liu, S. Tian, X. Zhao, W. Xie, Y. Gong, and D. Zhao* (2015) “Application of stabilized nanoparticles for in situ remediation of metals-contaminated soil and groundwater: A critical review” Current Pollution Report, 1(4), 280–291. DOI 10.1007/s40726-015-0017-x

[140]        J. Fu, Z. Cai, Y. Gong, S. E. O’Reilly, X. Hao, D. Zhao* (2015) “A new technique for determining critical micelle concentrations of surfactants and oil dispersants via UV absorbance of pyrene” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 484(5), 1–8.

[141]        F. Pan, A. Xu, D. Xia, Y. Yu, G. Chen, M. Meyer, D. Zhao, C-H Huang, Q. Wu, J. Fu (2015) “Effects of octahedral molecular sieve on treatment performance, microbial metabolism, and microbial community in expanded granular sludge bed reactor” Water Research, 87, 127-136.

[142]        J. Xu, N. Gao, D. Zhao*, D. Yin, H. Zhang, Yu. Gao, W. Shi (2015) “Comparative study of nano-iron hydroxide impregnated granular activated carbon (Fe-GAC) for bromate or perchlorate removal” Separation and Purification Technology, 147(16), 9–16.

[143]        Q. Ding, F. Ding, T. Qian, D. Zhao*, L. Wang (2015) “Reductive immobilization of rhenium in soil and groundwater using pyrite nanoparticles” Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 226:409.

[144]        J. Xu, N. Gao, D. Zhao*, W. Zhang, Q. Xu, A. Xiao (2015) “Efficient reduction of bromate in water by nano-iron hydroxide impregnated granular activated carbon (Fe-GAC)” Chemical Engineering Journal, 275(1), 189–197.

[145]        X. Zhao, Y. Gong, S.E. O'Reilly, D. Zhao* (2015) “Effects of oil dispersant on solubilization, sorption and desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment-seawater-oil systems” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 92(1-2):160-169.

[146]        Y. Guan, Y. Zhang, C. Zhong, X. Huang, J. Fu, D. Zhao* (2015) “Effect of operating factors on the contaminants removal of a soil filter: multi-soil-layering system” Environmental Earth Sciences, 74:2679–2686.

[147]        Y. Guan, Y. Zhang, D. Zhao*, X. Huang, C. Zhong, H. Li (2015) “Rural domestic waste management in Zhejiang Province, China: Characteristics, current practices, and an improved strategy” J. Air & Waste Management Association, 65(6): 721-731.

[148]  M. Zhang, F. He, D. Zhao* (2015) “Catalytic activity of various metal nanoparticles towards hydrodechlorination of chlorinated solvents: Influence of catalyst metals and organochlorinated compounds” Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 9(5) 888-896. DOI: 10.1007/s11783-015-0774-1

[149]  D. Zhao* and S. Deng (2015) “Environmental applications and implications of nanotechnologies” Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 9(5), 745. DOI 10.1007/s11783-015-0810-1

[150]        Y. Gong, J. Fu, S.E. O’Reilly, D. Zhao (2015) “Effects of oil dispersants on photodegradation of pyrene in marine water” J. Hazardous Materials, 287C:142-150.

[151]        An, B., Ryu, J-C., Song, M-K., Zhao, D., Lee, S-H., Choi, J-W. (2015) “Applicability and toxicity evaluation of an adsorbent based on jujube for the removal of toxic heavy metals” Reactive and Functional Polymers, 93: 138-147.

[152]        J. Fu, Y. Gong, X. Zhao, S. E. O’Reilly, D. Zhao* (2014) “Effects of oil and dispersant on formation of marine oil snow and transport of oil hydrocarbons” Environmental Science & Technology, 48: 14392-14399.

[153]        B. An, K. Jung, D. Zhao*, S-H Lee, J-W Choi (2014) “Preparation and characterization of polymeric ligand exchanger based on chitosan hydrogel for selective removal of phosphate” Reactive and Functional Polymers, 85: 45–53.

[154]        Q. Zhou, G. Pan, Z. Xiong, C. Ding, D. Zhao (2014) “Manipulation of particle size and sorption capability of nano-scale magnetite via controlling surface coating” Science of Advanced Materials, 6(3), 441-447, DOI: 10.1166/sam.2014.1736

[155]        W. Zhao, X. Zhu, Y. Wang, Z. Ai, D. Zhao* (2014) “Catalytic reduction of aqueous nitrates by metal supported catalysts on Al particles” Chemical Engineering J. 254: 410–417.

[156]        Y. Xie, Z. Fang, W. Cheng, E. P. Tsang, D. Zhao (2014) “Remediation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in soil using Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles: Influencing factors, kinetics and mechanism” Science of the Total Environment, 485-486: 363-370.

[157]        S. Yang, L. Wang, S. Yue, Y. Song, J He and D. Zhao* (2014) “Influence of reduction temperature on composition, particle size, and magnetic properties of CoFe alloy nanomaterials derived from layered double hydroxides precursors” Dalton Transactions, 43(22): 8254-8260.

[158]        Y. Gong, Y. Liu, Z. Xiong, and D. Zhao* (2014) “Immobilization of mercury by carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles: Reaction mechanisms and effects of stabilizer and water chemistry” Environmental Science & Technology, 48(7): 3986-3994.

[159]        J. Fu, C. Zhao, Y. Luo, C. Liu, G. Z. Kyzase, Y. Luo, D. Zhao, S. An, H. Zhu (2014) “Heavy metals in surface sediments of the Jialu River, China: Their relations to environmental factors” J. Hazardous Materials, 270(15): 102–109. (11th of the most downloaded articles from ScienceDirect in the last 90 days.)

[160]        Q. Lu, Z. Cai, J. Fu, S. Luo, Y. Luo, X. Li, D. Zhao* (2014) “Molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies on the interactions of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers to estrogen receptor alpha” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 101: 83–89.

[161]        Q. Liang and D. Zhao* (2014) “In situ immobilization of arsenate in a sandy loam soil using starch-stabilized magnetite nanoparticles” Journal Hazardous Materials, 271: 16–23.

[162]        Y. Gong, X. Zhao, S. E. O’Reilly, T. Qian, D. Zhao* (2014) “Effects of oil dispersant and oil on sorption and desorption of phenanthrene with Gulf Coast marine sediments” Environmental Pollution, 185: 240-249.

[163]      Y. Gong, X. Zhao, Z. Cai, S. E. O’Reilly, X. Hao, D. Zhao* (2014) “A review of oil, dispersed oil and sediment interactions in the aquatic environment: Influence on the fate, transport and remediation of oil spills” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79 (2014) 16–33.

[164]        Q. Ding, T. Qian, F. Yang, H. Liu, L. Wang, D. Zhao* (2013) “Kinetics of reductive immobilization of rhenium in soil and groundwater using ZVI nanoparticles” Environmental Engineering Science, 30(12): 713-718. doi:10.1089/ees.2012.0160.

[165]        M. Zhang, D. B. Bacik, C. B. Roberts, D. Zhao* (2013) “Catalytic hydrodechlorination of trichloroethylene in water with supported CMC-Stabilized palladium nanoparticles” Water Research, 47: 3706-3715.

[166]        R. Liu and D. Zhao* (2013) “Synthesis and characterization of a new class of stabilized apatite nanoparticles and applying the particles to in situ Pb immobilization in a fire-range soil” Chemosphere, 91(5):594-601.

[167]  L. Huo, T. Qian, J. Hao, H. Liu and D. Zhao* (2013) “Effect of water content on strontium retardation factor and distribution coefficient in Chinese loess” J. Radiol. Prot. 33: 791–807.

[168]        L. Huo, T. Qian, J. Hao and D. Zhao* (2013) “Sorption and retardation of strontium in saturated Chinese loess: experimental results and model analysis” J. of Environmental Radioactivity, 116:19-27.

[169]        H. Liu, T. Qian, and D. Zhao* (2013) “Reductive immobilization of perrhenate in soil and groundwater using starch-stabilized ZVI nanoparticles” Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(2): 275-281 (doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5425-3).

[170]        W. Zhao, F. Liu, J. Bao, Y. Yang, J. Dai, and D. Zhao* (2012) “Photocatalytic oxidation of indoor toluene: Process risk analysis and influence of relative humidity, photocatalysts, and VUV irradiation” Science of the Total Environment, 438: 201-209.

[171]  X. Hao, Z. Cai, K. Fu, D. Zhao (2012) “Distinguishing activity decay and cell death from bacterial decay for two types of methanogens” Water Res., 46:1251-1259.

[172]  Y. Gong, Y. Liu, Z. Xiong, D. Kaback, and D. Zhao* (2012) “Immobilization of mercury in field soil and sediment using carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles” Nanotechnology, 23 (2012) 294007.

[173]  D. B. Bacik, M. Zhang, D. Zhao, C. B. Roberts, M. S. Seehrac, V. Singhc, N. Shahd (2012) “Synthesis and characterization of supported polysugar-stabilized palladium nanoparticle catalysts for enhanced hydrodechlorination of trichloroethylene” Nanotechnology, 23 (2012) 294004 (13pp)

[174]        Q. Liang, D. Zhao*, T. Qian, K.F. Starr, Y. Feng (2012) “Effects of stabilizers and water chemistry on arsenate sorption by polysaccharide-stabilized magnetite nanoparticles” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51 (5): 2407–2418.

[175]        B. An and D. Zhao* (2012) “Immobilization of As(III) in soil and groundwater using a new class of polysaccharide stabilized Fe–Mn oxide nanoparticles” J. Hazardous Materials, Volumes 211–212, 2012, 332–341.

[176]        W. Zhao, Y. Yang, R. Hao, F. Liu, M. Tan, and D. Zhao* (2011) “Synthesis of mesoporous β-Ga(2)O(3) nanorods using PEG as template: Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic properties” J. Hazardous Materials, 192(3):1548-1554.

[177]        M. Zhang, G. Pan, D. Zhao*, G. He (2011) “XAFS Study of starch stabilized magnetite nanoparticles and surface speciation of arsenate” Environmental Pollution. 159(12): 3509-3514.

[178]        M. Zhang, F. He, D. Zhao*, and X. Hao (2011) “Degradation of soil-sorbed trichloroethylene by stabilized zero valent iron nanoparticles: Effects of sorption, surfactants, and natural organic matter” Water Res. 45(7): 2401-2414.

[179]        B. An, Q. Liang, D. Zhao* (2011) “Removal of arsenic from spent ion exchange brine using a new class of starch-bridged magnetite nanoparticles” Water Res. 45(5): 1961-1972.

[180]      W. Zhao, F. Liu, Y. Yang, M. Tan, and D. Zhao (2011) “Ozonation of Cationic Red X–GRL in aqueous solution: kinetics and modeling” J. Hazardous Materials, 187 (2011) 526–533.

[181]      W. Zhao, Q. Liao, J. Zhang, Y. Yang, J. Dai, D. Zhao (2011) “Oxidation of Cationic Red X-GRL by ozonation combined with UV radiation in aqueous solution: Degradation, kinetics, and modeling” Chemical Engineering Journal, 171, 628– 639.

[182]        P. Bennett, F. He, D. Zhao*, B. Aiken, L. Feldman (2010) “In situ testing of metallic iron nanoparticle mobility and reactivity in a shallow granular aquifer” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 116(1-4), 35-46.

[183]        B. An, Z. Fu, Z. Xiong, D. Zhao* and AK SenGupta (2010) “Synthesis and characterization of a new class of polymeric ligand exchangers for selective removal of arsenate from drinking water” Reactive and Functional Polymers, 70, 497–507.

[184]        F. He, D. Zhao*, C. Paul (2010) “Field assessment of carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized iron nanoparticles for in situ destruction of chlorinated solvents in source zones” Water Res. 44: 2360–2370.

[185]        T. Qian, LJ Huo, D. Zhao* (2010) “Laboratory investigation into factors affecting performance of capillary barrier system in unsaturated soil” Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 206(1), 295-306.

[186]        L. Li, G. Pan, D. Zhao, and H. Chen (2010) “Immobilization of non-point phosphorus using stabilized magnetite nanoparticles with enhanced transportability and reactivity in soils” Environmental Pollution, 158, 35–40.

[187]      M. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Zhao*, and G. Pan (2010)Immobilization of arsenic in soils and groundwater by stabilized nanoscale zero-valent iron, iron sulfide (FeS), and magnetite (Fe3O4) particles” China Science Bulletin, Vol.55 No.4-5: 365−372 (English version published by Springer). (Also published in the Chinese version of the journal: 2009, 54 (23): 3637-3644)

[188]        Z. Xiong, F. He, D. Zhao*, M. Barnett (2009) “Immobilization of mercury in sediment using stabilized iron sulfide nanoparticles” Water Res. 43, 5171–5179, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2009.08.018

[189]        F. He, J. Liu, CB Roberts, and D. Zhao* (2009) “One-Step ‘Green’ Synthesis of Pd Nanoparticles of Controlled Size and Their Catalytic Activity for Trichloroethene Hydrodechlorination” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48, 6550–6557.

[190]        J. Liu, F. He, TM Gunn, D. Zhao*, and CB Roberts (2009) “Precise seed-mediated growth and size-controlled synthesis of palladium nanoparticles using a green chemistry approach” Langmuir, 25(12): 7116-28.

[191]        F. He, M. Zhang, T. Qian, D. Zhao (2009) “Transport of carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized iron nanoparticles in porous media: column experiments and modeling” J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 334: 96–102.

[192]        T. Qian, S. Li, Q. Ding, G. Wu, D. Zhao* (2009) “Two-dimensional numerical modeling of 90Sr transport in an unsaturated Chinese loess under artificial sprinkling” J. Environmental Radioactivity, 100(5) 422428.

[193]        G. Pan, C. Jia, D. Zhao, C. You, H. Chen, B. Tian, G. Jiang (2009) “Effect of cationic and anionic surfactants on the sorption and desorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) on natural sediments” Environ. Pollution 157(1), 325-330.

[194]        Z. Xiong, D. Zhao*, and G. Pan (2009) “Rapid and controlled transformation of nitrate in water and brine using stabilized iron nanoparticles” J. Nanoparticle Res. 11(4), 807-819 (DOI 10.1007/s11051-008-9433-9)

[195]        F. He and D. Zhao* (2008) “Hydrodechlorination of trichloroethene using stabilized Fe-Pd nanoparticles: reaction mechanism and effects of stabilizers, catalysts and reaction conditions” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 84: 533–540.

[196]        K. Xu, W. Harper, D. Zhao (2008) “17 alpha-ethninylestradiol sorption to activated sludge biomass: Thermodynamic properties and reaction mechanisms” Water Res. 42(12), 3146-3152.

[197]        PS Dimick, A Kney, J Tavakoli, SE Mylon, D. Zhao* (2008) “A comparison of metal-loaded DOW3N ion exchangers for removal of perchlorate from water” Separation Sci. & Technol. 43(9-10), 2343-2362.

[198]        F. He and D. Zhao* (2008) “Response to comments on ‘Manipulating the size and dispersibility of zerovalent iron nanoparticles by use of carboxymethyl cellulose stabilizers’” Environ. Sci & Technol. 42(9) 3480–3480.

[199]        SR Kanel, RR Goswami, TP Clement, MO Barnett, and D. Zhao (2008) “Two dimensional transport characteristics of surface stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles in porous media” Environ. Sci & Technol. 42(3), 896-900.

[200]        Y. Xu, D. Zhao, and P. Clement (2008) “Modeling the elution histories of copper and lead from a contaminated soil with Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers” J Environ. Eng. (ASCE), 134(4), 238-246.

[201]        J. Liu, F. He, D. Zhao and C. Roberts (2008) “Polysugar-stabilized Pd nanoparticles exhibiting high catalytic activities for hydrodechlorination of environmentally deleterious trichloroethylene” Langmuir, 24(1), 328-336.

[202]        W. Li, G. Pan, M. Zhang, D. Zhao, Y. Yang, H. Chen, G. He. (2008) “EXAFS studies on adsorption irreversibility of Zn(II) on TiO2: Temperature dependence” J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 319(2), 385-391.

[203]        SH Joo and D. Zhao* (2008) “Destruction of lindane and atrazine using stabilized iron nanoparticles under aerobic and anaerobic conditions: Effects of catalysts and stabilizer” Chemosphere, 70(3): 418-425.

[204]        Z. Xiong, D. Zhao* and W. Harper (2007) “Sorption and desorption of perchlorate with various ion exchangers: a comparative study” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 46, 9213-9222.

[205]        R. Liu and D. Zhao* (2007) “In situ immobilization of Cu(II) in soils using a new class of iron phosphate nanoparticles” Chemosphere, 68, 1867-1876.

[206]        R. Liu and D. Zhao* (2007) “The leachability, bioaccessibility, and speciation of Cu in the sediment of channel catfish ponds” Environmental Pollution 147(3), 593-603.

[207]        F. He and D. Zhao* (2007) “Manipulating the size and dispersibility of zero-valent iron nanoparticles by use of carboxymethyl cellulose stabilizers” Environ. Sci & Technol. 41(17): 6216-6221.

[208]        R. Liu and D. Zhao* (2007) “Reducing leachability and bioaccessibility of lead from soils using a new class of stabilized iron phosphate nanoparticles” Water Research, (41), 2491-2502.

[209]        Z. Xiong, D. Zhao*, and G. Pan (2007) “Rapid and complete destruction of perchlorate in water and ion exchange brine using stabilized iron nanoparticles” Water Research, (41), 3497-3505.

[210]  F. He, D. Zhao*, J. Liu and C. Roberts (2007) “Stabilization of Fe-Pd nanoparticles with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose for enhanced transport and dechlorination of trichloroethylene in soil and groundwater” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 46, 29-34.

[211]        Y. Xu and D. Zhao* (2007) “Reductive immobilization of chromate in soils and groundwater by stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles” Water Research, (41), 2101-2108.

[212]        J. Snelling, M. O. Barnett, D. Zhao, and J. S. Arey (2007) “Methyl tertiary hexyl ether and methyl tertiary octyl ether as gasoline oxygenates: Anticipating widespread risks to community water supply wells” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(11), 2253-2259.

[213]        Y. Xu and D. Zhao* (2006) “A revised method for determination of apparent stability constant of metal-dendrimer complexes” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 45: 7380-7387.

[214]  J. Snelling, M.O. Barnett, D. Zhao, and J.S. Arey (2006) “Methyl tertiary hexyl ether and methyl tertiary octyl ether as gasoline oxygenates: Assessing risks from atmospheric dispersion and deposition” J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 56: 1484-1492.

[215]        R. Liu, D. Zhao*, and M. O. Barnett (2006) “Fate and transport of copper applied in channel catfish ponds: A pilot study” Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 176 (1-4): 139-162.

[216]        Z. Xiong, P. Dimick, D. Zhao*, A. Kney, and J. Tavakoli (2006) “Removal of perchlorate from contaminated water using a regenerable polymeric ligand exchanger” Separation Sci. & Technol. 41 (11): 2555-2574.

[217]        Y. Xu and D. Zhao* (2006) “Removal of lead from contaminated soils using poly(amidoamine) dendrimers” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 45, 1758-1765.

[218]        Y. Xu and D. Zhao* (2005) “Removal of copper from contaminated soil by use of poly(amidoamine) dendrimers” Environ. Sci & Technol. 39, 2369-2375.

[219]        F. He and D. Zhao* (2005) “Preparation and characterization of a new class of starch-stabilized bimetallic nanoparticles for degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons in water” Environ. Sci & Technol. 39, 3314-3320.

[220]        B. An, T. Steinwinder, and D. Zhao* (2005) “Selective removal of arsenate from drinking water using a polymeric ligand exchanger” Water Research 39, 4993-5004.

[221]        AD Kney and D. Zhao* (2004) “A pilot study on phosphate and nitrate removal from secondary wastewater using a selective ion exchange process Environ. Technol., 25(5), 533-542.

[222]        WD Henry, D. Zhao*, C. Lange, and A. K. SenGupta (2004) “Preparation and characterization of a new class of polymeric ligand exchangers for selective removal of trace contaminants from water” Reactive and Functional Polymer, 60:109-120.

[223]        D. Zhao and J. Pignatello (2004) “Model-aided characterization of Tenax resins for sorption of aromatic compounds from water” Environ. Toxic. Chem. 23(7), 1592-1599.

[224]        D. Zhao, J. Little and S. Cox (2004) “Characterization polyurethane foam as a source for or sink of VOCs in indoor air” J. Environ. Eng., ASCE 130(9), 983-989.

[225]        W. Braida, J. White, D. Zhao and J. Pignatello (2002) “Concentration-dependent kinetics of pollutant desorption from soils” Environ. Toxic. Chem., 21(12), 2573-2580.

[226]        D. Zhao, J. Pignatello, M. Hunter, and J. White (2002) “Application of the dual-mode model for predicting competitive sorption equilibria and rates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in estuarine sediment suspensions” Environ. Toxic. Chem., 21(11), 2276-2282.

[227]        D. Zhao, J. C. Little, and A. Hodgson (2002) “Modeling the reversible, diffusive sink effect in response to transient contaminant sources” Indoor Air, 12, 184-190.

[228]        D. Zhao, J. J. Pignatello, J. C. White, W. Braida, F. Ferrandino (2001) “Dual-mode modeling of competitive and concentration-dependent sorption and desorption kinetics of hydrophobic contaminants in soils” Water Resources Res., 37, 2205-2212.

[229]        S. Cox, D. Zhao, and J. C. Little (2001) “Measuring partition and diffusion coefficients for volatile organic compounds in vinyl flooring” Atmospheric Environ. 35, 3823-3830.

[230]        D. Zhao and A. K. SenGupta (2000) “Ligand separation with a Cu(II)-loaded polymeric ligand exchanger” Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. No. 2, Vol. 39, 455-462.

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