Graduate Programs

Graduate Program Degrees

The Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) at San Diego State University (SDSU) offers a Master of Science (MS) degree in Civil Engineering and a Doctoral degree in Engineering Science and Applied Mechanics jointly with the University of California at San Diego (UCSD).

Degree Learning Outcomes for MS Degrees

The Degree Learning Outcomes (DLO’s) for the Master of Science program in Civil Engineering (MSCE) are to offer this advanced degree to graduates who will:

  • be prepared for successful careers in their respective areas of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering in both private and public sectors
  • have an appreciation and commitment for life-long learning
  • be prepared to successfully continue their graduate education at the doctoral level if they so choose
  • have skills necessary to function well on interdisciplinary teams
  • be faithful guardians of high ethical and professional standards indispensable in Civil Engineering as the “people serving profession”
  • be advocates of diversity and inclusion in their professional and social settings

Areas of Specialization & Concentration within the Civil Engineering MS Progam:

The Department of CCEE at SDSU offers the following areas of specialization within the MS program in Civil Engineering: 

  • Construction Engineering,
  • Geotechnical Engineering,
  • Structural Engineering,
  • Transportation Engineering, and
  • Water Resources Engineering.

The Department of CCEE at SDSU offers the following area of concentration within the MS program in Civil Engineering:

  • Environmental Engineering

In addition, the Master of Engineering Program is available. It is a blended curriculum of engineering and business courses.

Contact Us

For general questions and information, please contact us via email at [email protected]

Program Adviser
Master of Science in Civil Engineering Dr. Sahar Ghanipoor Machiani
Master of Engineering Dr. Temesgen Garoma
Joint Doctoral Program with UCSD Dr. Temesgen Garoma