Dr. Gloria Faraone

Assistant Professor
Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-2372
Professional Studies and Fine Arts - 449
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego,
Website Links
Gloria Faraone is an Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering at the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, San Diego State University since Fall 2021. She earned a Phd Degree in Structural Engineering from the University of California San Diego in June 2021.
2021 - University of California San Diego, Ph.D. Structural Engineering
2020 - University of California San Diego, Micro-MBA, Rady School of Management
2015 - University of Bologna, MS, Structural Engineering
2012 - University of Bologna, BS, Civil Engineering
Areas of Specialization
Gloria Faraone's research experience includes full scale structural testing and numerical modeling of structural elements . Her research interests focus on improving the performance of new and existing structures and nonstructural components and systems under different types of natural hazards, e.g., earthquakes, floodings, and hurricanes, while including concepts of sustainability and reusability of construction materials and repairability of structural systems.
2020 - Micro-MBA, Rady School of Management University of California San Diego
2015 - Italian Professional Engineering License, University of Bologna, Italy
Awards & Honors
2022 Natural Hazards Research Summit October 6-7, Washington, DC
2022 NHERI Summer Institute for Early Career Faculty, June 19-23, UT San Antonio
HILTI fellowship for academic years from 2016-17 to 2018-19
UCSD Structural Engineering Department scholarship for academic year 2015-16
University of Bologna scholarship to study abroad for year 2014-2015
CIV E 225 – Mechanics for Civil Engineers. San Diego State University
Directed Student Research
Fall 2022 - Emanuel Zuniga-Calderon, Master student, project title “Backbone prediction and R factor estimation from experimental hysteresis curves of reinforced concrete shear walls”
Fall 2022 - Sergio Calles, Master student, project title “Assessment of solar panel connections under wind loading”
Summer 2022 - Jessica Rubio, Undergraduate student supported bt the MESA program, project title “Testing of reinforced seawater concrete”
Summer 2022 - Tegan Goodman, Undergraduate student supported by the SURP (Summer Undergraduate Research Project) (Teaching effectiveness item 5), project title “Experimental compressive strength of seawater concrete”
Summer 2022 - Josiah Imperial, Undergraduate student, project title “Testing of glass-fibers reinforced seawater concrete cylinders”
Spring 2022 - Linneah Gomez, Master student, project title “Numerical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns”
Spring 2022 - Kathryn Samuels, Master student, project title “Literature Review on GFRP Reinforced Concrete”
Fall 2021 - present - Stephania Moreno, Master student, partially supported by SEAOSD fellowship and SEED grant, thesis title “Earthquake damage prediction of tall concrete buildings” (Professional growth item 3)
Co-advised international research
2022-23 - Chiara Nascioli, visiting undergraduate student, Advisor: Dr. Michele Bacciocchi, Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino
2021-22 - Maria Giulia Parmiani, PhD student, Advisor: Dr. Luis José Orta Cortés, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
2021-22 - Mohammadsadegh Shahrokhi, master thesis student, Advisor: Dr. Sajjad Mirvalad, Iran University of Science and Technology
2021-22 - Nasser Nabizadeh Moghaddam, visiting graduate student, Advisor: Dr. Nicola Buratti, University of Bologna, Italy
2019 - Elisabetta Barzi, visiting graduate student, Advisor: Dr. Nicola Buratti, University of Bologna, Italy
2017 - Lorenzo Moschetti, visiting graduate student, Advisor: Dr. Marco Savoia, University of Bologna, Italy
SEED Grant- San Diego State University, $7500 over 2021-2022 academic year
2022 University of Bologna, Italy – college students
2022 NHERI REU Research & Academy Career Development Panel
· 2022 CreaTech SWE San Diego panel discussion- mid and high school SWEnext outreach
· 2022 SEAOSD students’ night panel- college students and young professionals
· 2021 University of Bologna, Italy – college students
· 2021 Computational Science Research Center, San Diego State University
· 2021 Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
Refereed Published Journal Publications
J.6. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin R., and Silva, F. J. (2022). " Simulated Seismic Damage Evolution in Concrete Shear Walls,'' ACI Structural Journal
J.5. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2022). “Seismic Performance of Varying Aspect Ratio Full-Scale Concrete Walls,” ACI Structural Journal
J.4. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2022). “Anchor Performance in Cyclically Loaded Shear Walls,” ACI Structural Journal
J.3. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin R., and Silva F. J. (2022). " Numerical response prediction of full-scale concrete walls subjected to simulated in-plane seismic loading,'' Engineering Structures, V. 264, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114405
J.2. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2019). “Cyclic Lateral Load Response of a Full-Scale Flexure Dominated Shear Wall,” ACI Structural Journal. V. 116, No. 6, pp. 281-292
J.1. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2022). “Performance of Post-Installed Anchors in a Progressively Damaged Concrete Shear Wall,” ACI Structural Journal. V. 116, No. 6, pp. 293-306
Refereed Conference Publications
C.5. Parmiani, M.G., Faraone, G., Orta, L. (2022). “Experimental response of T-beam with exposed reinforcement under static point-loads,” Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE 22), Lisbon, Portugal
C.4. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2020). “Damage Patterns in Squat and Flexural RC Shear Walls,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASCE Structures Congress, St. Louis, Missouri
C.3. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2019). “Back-Estimated Ductility and Response Modification Coefficient (R factor) for Concrete Shear Walls,” Proceedings of the V Workshop on New Boundaries of Structural Concrete, ACI Italian Chapter, Milan, Italy
C.2. Faraone, G., Moschetti L., and Hutchinson, T. (2018). “Numerical Prediction of the In-Plane Cyclic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls,” Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
C.1. Faraone, G. and Hutchinson, T. (2018). “Numerical Prediction of the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls under In-Plane Cyclic Loading, with Particular Focus on Assessing Local Cracking Response,” Proceedings of the ASCE Structures Congress, pp. 87-97
Technical Reports
TR.2. Faraone, G., and Hutchinson, T. (2021). “Behavior of post-installed anchors in reinforced concrete shear walls subjected to cyclic lateral loading. Part II: squat walls test program,” SSRP- 2021/01, UC San Diego
TR.1. Faraone, G. and Hutchinson, T. (2018). “Behavior of post-installed anchors in reinforced concrete shear walls subjected to cyclic lateral loading. Part I: slender wall test program,” SSRP- 2018/05, UC San Diego
Other Publications
O.5. Faraone, G. and Miletic, M. (2022). “Seismic resistance of sustainable earthen buildings: a review of recent developments,” EERI 12th National Earthquake Conference
O.4. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2021). “Nonlinear Finite Element Model Validation of Full-Scale Reinforced Concrete Wall Experiments,” EERI Annual Meeting
O.3. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2020). “Resiliency of Post-Installed Anchorage in Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls Subjected to Simulated Earthquake Loads,” National Earthquake Conference
O.2. Faraone, G. and Hutchinson, T. (2017). “Numerical prediction of the in-plane cyclic behaviour of RC shear walls,” ACI 447 Session FEA, Anaheim, CA
O.1. Faraone, G., Hutchinson, T., Piccinin, R., and Silva, F. J. (2017). “On the prediction of in-plane cyclic behaviour of reinforced concrete shear walls: a numerical evaluation,” EERI Annual Meeting
Reviewer for Structures, Advances in Civil Engineering, ACI Structural Journal, Composite Structures since 2022
Member of Structural Engineers Association of San Diego (SEAOSD), American Concrete Institute (ACI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)