Dr. Matthew Verbyla

Pronouns: He/His/Him
Associate Professor
Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-0711
Professional Studies and Fine Arts - 447
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego,
Website Links
Matthew Verbyla is a member of the Environmental Engineering faculty in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at San Diego State University where he directs the Safe WaTER Lab and teaches courses on water treatment, wastewater treatment, and the microbiological processes of environmental engineering. Originally from Connecticut, Matthew received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Lafayette College, and his Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Engineering from the University of South Florida.
2006 B.S. Civil Engineering - Lafayette College
2012 M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida
2015 Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida
2016-17 Postdoc. Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Areas of Specialization
Matthew’s expertise is health-related environmental microbiology. He is engaged in research that seeks to better understand, characterize, and control the occurrence, persistence, and resistance of waterborne pathogens in engineered and natural systems to protect human health.
Awards & Honors
2022 “Most Influential Faculty” of the CCEE Department
2019 Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) Award Special Mention
2019 SDSU Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Scholarly Teaching Academy
2016 W. Wesley Eckenfelder Graduate Research Award, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES)
2015 USAID Research & Innovation Fellowship (Brazil)
2014 Honorable Mention – USAID Blind Spots in International Development Competition
2012 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
2007 Fulbright Fellowship (Honduras)
ENV E 101 Environmental Engineering Seminar
ENV E 445 Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems
ENV E 646 Microbiological Principles of Environmental Engineering
Development of next generation methods to identify and monitor wastewater and surface waters for pathogens and their sources
Produce new data and analytics for web-based tools to measure and model pathogen reduction in sanitation and water reuse systems
Quantify the partitioning of pathogens to liquids and solids in wastewater to improve treatment system operation and design
“Establishing background levels of pathogens and fecal indicator bacteria at a reference and test beach in the San Diego Region.” Matthew E. Verbyla (PI), California State Water Resources Control Board Region 9 SWAMP Funds, 2021–2024.
“Demonstration of Pathogen Removal Credits for Wastewater Treatment,” Matthew E. Verbyla (PI), Water Research Foundation, 2021–2022.
“IRES Track I: US-Brazil Integrating Engineering and Anthropology Research to Expand Perspectives on Water and Sustainability,” Matthew E. Verbyla (PI), Erika Robb Larkins (co-PI), Natalie Mladenov (co-PI), National Science Foundation, 2019–2022.
“Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 at SDSU Residence Halls,” Matthew E. Verbyla (PI), San Diego State University (SDSU) Business and Financial Affairs (BFA), 2022-2023.
Rocha, A., Verbyla, M.E., Sant, K., Mladenov, N. (2022). Detection, quantification, and simplified wastewater surveillance model of SARS-CoV-2 in the Tijuana River. ACS ES&T Water (in press). https://doi.org/10.1021/acsestwater.2c00062
Calderón, J.S., Verbyla, M.E., Gil, M., Pinongcos, F., Kinoshita, A.M., Mladenov, N. (2022). Persistence of fecal indicators and microbial source tracking markers in water flushed from riverbank soils. Water, Soil, & Air Pollution, 233(83): 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05542-8
Verbyla, M.E., Calderón, J.S., Flanigan, S., Garcia, M., Gersberg, R., Kinoshita, A.M., Mladenov, N., Pinongcos, F., Welsh, M. (2021). An assessment of ambient water quality and challenges with access to water and sanitation services for individuals experiencing homelessness in riverine encampments. Environmental Engineering Science, 38(5): 389-401. https://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2020.0319
Espinosa, M.F., Verbyla, M.E., Vassalle, L., Machado, A.T., Zhao, F., Gaunin, A., Mota, C.R. (2021). Reduction and partitioning of viral and bacterial indicators in a UASB reactor followed by high rate algal ponds treating domestic sewage. Science of the Total Environment, 760, 144309. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144309
Montoya, L.D., Mendoza, L.M., Prouty, C., Trotz, M., Verbyla, M.E. (2021). Environmental engineering for the 21st century: Increasing diversity and community participation to achieve environmental and social justice. Environmental Engineering Science, 38(5): 288-297. https://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2020.0148
Verbyla, M.E., Pitol, A.K., Navab-Daneshmand, T., Marks, S.J., Julian, T.J. (2019). Safely-managed hygiene: A risk-based assessment of handwashing water quality. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(5): 2852-2861. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b06156
Verbyla, M.E., Symonds, E.M., Kafle, R.C., Cairns, M.R., Iriarte, M.M., Mercado Guzmán, A., Coronado, O., Breitbart, M., Ledo, C., Mihelcic, J.R. (2016). Managing microbial risks from indirect wastewater reuse for irrigation in urbanizing watersheds. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(13): 6803–6813. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b05398
Verbyla, M.E., Mihelcic, J.R. (2015). A review of virus removal in wastewater treatment pond systems, Water Research, 71:107–124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2014.12.031